
Sunday, November 4, 2012


El mundo requiere más estrategias nuevas y creativas. No es un juego, pero como jugando podemos mejorar la calidad de nuestra vida si realmente queremos hacerlo.

No te rindas, apuesta por el respeto al medioambiente.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Press Statement of the Three Church Mother Bodies on Violence

Thanks to Cristina Vargas for this press statement from the Three Church Mother Bodies in Zambia.

“Take all this out of here and stop turning my Father’s house into a robbers’ den” (Jn 2:16).
We the three Christian Church Umbrella Bodies namely: the Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ), the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) and the Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) are deeply saddened at the rampant political violence that has popped its ugly face in Zambia once again.  This violence has now moved from the political arena into the house of God!  What happened recently at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross is unprecedented and a great shame to this God-fearing nation. We issue this statement as Churches because it cannot be business as usual. That the violence was spearheaded by the Patriotic Front (PF) cadres who only a few months ago were on the receiving end of such violence makes us wonder if this is truly the change Zambians wanted. The manner of the violence, at the Cathedral, suggests pre-meditated and planned behaviour.  This is evil and wrong.  READ MORE.