
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Violence against women

1.- A woman or girl is raped every 4 minutes in Mexico. Interactive: Violence against women in México  -
2.-  Yale production explores violence against Women of Cuidad Juárez: Read The Report
3.- 1 Billion Rising For Justice is on a mission to end violence against women and girls. Find out how you can help:
4.-Violence Against Women as a strategic weapon in a time of class war in Greece: More information

5.- It's Heartbreaking To See How People React To The First Half Of His Test Compared To The Second: See

Crimen organizado en México

México\\. Las mafias que operan en México desafían a las autoridades en tres campos: monopolio de las armas, control sobre un territorio, y con las extorsiones a competir con el Estado a la exclusividad de cobrar impuestos a la sociedad. Así se está ante un conflicto de soberanía de un mismo territorio. 
El auténtico peligro es que la realidad mafiosa no se oculta; sino que somos nosotros quienes la negamos. (Explica Manuel Clouthier Carrillo)

El conflicto en Michoacán----  Un aspecto cronológico de los eventos de Michoacán sirve informarse, ahora son ellos, mañana nosotros y el gobierno federal requiere de mejor estrategia política a la solución de conflictos contra el crimen organizado (Yusei Ortiz). Aquí - Reporte gráfico

Chilpancingo, Guerrero--- Pioquinto Damián Huato, dirigente de la Cámara Nacional de Comercio (Canaco) en Chilpancingo, acusó al presidente municipal de Chilpancingo, Mario Moreno Arcos, del atentado que sufrió la noche del martes al sur de la capital guerrerense, por el que murió su nuera, mientras que su hijo y su esposa resultaron lesionadas; apuntó que estos hechos ocurrieron luego de que denunciara, en una asamblea pública, al mismo edil, de estar vinculado a la delincuencia organizada. 

The International Court of Justice establishes Peru-Chile maritime border

The International Court of Justice, the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, on Monday 27th established a maritime boundary between South American neighbors Peru and Chile.
According to the verdict of The Hague-based court, the sea border extends to a distance of 80 nautical miles along the parallel from its starting point and then an equidistance line is drawn until it reaches the 200-nautical-mile limit.
"The Court concludes that the maritime boundary between the Parties starts at the intersection of the parallel of latitude passing through Boundary Marker No. 1 with the low-water line, and extends for 80 nautical miles along that parallel of latitude to Point A."
"From this point, the maritime boundary runs along the equidistance line to Point B, and then along the 200-nautical-mile limit measured from the Chilean baselines to Point C," said presiding judge Peter Tomka. Read more
1.- The Verdict of The Hague-based court

Corte Internacional de Justicia delimitó frontera marítima Perú-Chile

Tras seis años de espera la Corte Internacional de Justicia de La Haya estableció finalmente la frontera marítima de Perú con Chile. Según la decisión del tribunal con sede en La Haya se establece un límite paralelo hasta 80 millas desde el hito número 1 y a partir de ahí se trazará una línea equidistante.
Cabe mencionar, que Perú y Chile pidieron a la Corte pronunciarse sobre una controversia exclusivamente marítima: ningún pedazo de tierra estaba en controversia. La misma Corte de La Haya, en la sentencia final, ha recalcado que nadie les pidió determinar límites terrestres.
Sin embargo, en los puntos 153 y 175, la Corte señala que Perú y Chile ya tenían un límite terrestre establecido, que inicia en el Punto de Concordia.

60 años de cambio climático

Según el informe en este milenio hemos tenido 9 de los 10 años más calurosos: salvo en 1998, los 10 años más calurosos de los últimos 134 años han tenido lugar desde el año 2000.
Ver el vídeo hace entender lo acuciante que es detener las emisiones para atajar el problema en la medida de lo posible, pues es ya demasiado tarde para evitar el impacto devastador de las emisiones excesivas de carbono que ya padece el planeta.
Leer más:

Forced Sterilizations, Crime Against Humanity, Sanctions and Justice Now!

During the 1990s in Peru, under the direction of ex-president Alberto Fujimori, thousands of Peruvian women were subjecte...d to forced sterilizations. Some women died as a result of the unsanitary conditions in which the procedure was done. All were either forced into this against their wills, or tricked into thinking they were getting some sort of preventive health-care. Fujimori is now in prison for other horrific crimes. However, some of the "powers that be" are trying to shelve this case without holding anyone accountable. This is unconscionable....
The history: More information

Sociedad civil exige justicia y reparación a las víctimas de esterilizaciones forzadas

Perú\\ Desde la Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDDHH), en representación de las 81 organizaciones que conforman esta institución, rechazaron que el Ministerio Público haya archivado las investigaciones del caso de las esterilizaciones forzadas y no formalice la denuncia penal contra Alberto Fujimori (ex presidente del Perú) y sus ex ministros de Salud Marino Costa Bauer, Alejandro Aguinaga y Eduardo Yong, porque hay indicios suficientes sobre su responsabilidad y el archivamiento implicaría un grave retroceso para la búsqueda de justicia de miles de mujeres peruanas que podría terminar en impunidad.

 Fujimori se enfocó principalmente en mujeres de zonas rurales, se operó sin consentimiento a miles de mujeres pobres o engañándolas con supuestas vacunas, así como condicionándolas con los beneficios sociales. Este hecho es considerado como una violación a los derechos humanos de miles de mujeres peruanas incluso en el art. 11 del acuerdo amistoso entre el Estado peruano y DEMUS-CLADEM en el marco del SIDH. En este acuerdo el propio Estado se compromete a investigar no solo a los actores inmediatos de la muerte de Mamérita Mestanza (caso emblemático de esterelización forzada con muerte subsecuente) sino a los responsables de las políticas públicas que permitieron esa afrenta contra la dignidad de todas estas peruanas y peruanos. Leer más

Pronunciamiento de la Coordinadora Nacional de Derechos Humanos: VER

Protestas en Brasil

En el marco del descontento por la desatención de los servicios públicos y la exageración de los gastos por la organización del mundial, nuevas protestas se registraron este último 29 de enero en varias ciudades de Brasil. Si bien es cierto, las manifestaciones partían desde un carácter pacífico, la confrontación con la policía derivó a una serie de actos violentos en ciudades como Sao Paulo, Río de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Salvador de Bahía, Porto Alegre y Brasilia.
Si bien la razón principal de la molestia generalizada es el presupuesto exorbitante para la organización del mundial, los Juegos Olímpicos de Río 2016 también preocupan a la población que, ante la indiferencia del gobierno por cubrir los servicios de educación y salud, continuará bajo la medida de protesta.

¿Ronderos o paramilitares?

La Violencia con fines de lucro asola regiones y estados mexicanos. Actualmente se puede hablar de una nueva guerra dentro del conflicto mexicano: el surgimiento, con fuerza viral, de grupos de autodefensa para enfrentar la depredación del crimen organizado, especialmente en el Estado de Michoacán.
Y es que las milicias de autodefensa crecieron tan rápido, logrando no solo sobrevivir sino crecer y pasar a la ofensiva, que el gobierno del presidente Peña Nieto tuvo que olvidar el, por lo demás absurdo intento de relegar el tema de la violencia interna en la discusión pública. Un masivo despliegue federal buscó impedir la toma de las principales ciudades michoacanas por parte de las milicias, junto con confusos –y fallidos– intentos de desarmarlas.
Leer más

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Workshop on Human Trafficking of Persons

These are the stories; these are the encounters: "If you only knew what God gives and who it is that is asking you for a drink, you would ask him, and he would give you life-giving water”.  (John 4, 10).
These were five days of listening, dialoguing, learning and getting feedback. The well seemed deep, but together... with the water that Jesus gives us to drink, we can eco His message of love and hope that inspires us and gives us strength… we are not alone.

All of the days were intense, due to the participation and the richness of the group sharing. Sr. Josefina, CSC, arrives punctually from Magdalena. In order to get here she had to make a two-hour bus trip to Tupac Amaru Street.  Projector, candles, Kleenex… many times confronted with the reality of the tragedy of human trafficking, tears come to our eyes.  More

Se trata de Personas. No a la Trata de Personas.

Los términos "trata de seres humanos" y "tráfico de migrantes" han sido usados como sinónimos pero se refieren a conceptos diferentes. El objetivo de la trata es la explotación de la persona, en cambio el fin del tráfico es la entrada ilegal de migrantes. En el caso de la trata no es indispensable que las víctimas crucen las fronteras para que se configure el hecho delictivo, mientras que éste es un elemento necesario para la comisión del tráfico (Tomado de ACNUR).
"¿Cómo podemos detectar casos de Trata de Personas? pregunta Vilma Morales, Agente Pastoral de la Parroquia “Señor de los Milagros”.  “Muchas veces en casa nos han enseñado que el dinero hace la felicidad…yo digo que no es así…el dinero no lo es todo…los valores, el amor;  buscar el bien común; la comunicación…es eso”, nos comparte Olga, agente pastoral, participante del I Taller sobre la Trata de Personas en Carabayllo.
Fueron cinco días de escucha, diálogo, aprendizaje y retroalimentación. El pozo que parece hondo, juntos-as con el agua que Jesús nos da de beber, nos hace hacer eco, de su mensaje de amor y esperanza que nos da fortaleza y aliento. No estamos solas-os". Leer más.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

URGENT ACTION: Tell Congress to say "NO" to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and to Fast Track


TPP:  Trans-Pacific Partnership.  This is a new "free trade" agreement being negotiated between the U.S. and 11 other Pacific Rim countries.  Like other Free Trade Agreements, this one is basically a permanent power grab by corporations and financial companies that will make it impossible for the citizens of countries joining the TPP to choose what laws and rules they want to live under. (Food and Water Watch)
FAST TRACK:  Fast Track, a process that would prevent our Congresspersons from making amendments to the TPP proposal, has been called an "Undemocratic Path to Unfair 'Trade'"
Past "trade" deals rammed through Congress under Fast Track have empowered foreign corporations to attack domestic health and environmental policies, enabled pharmaceutical firms to raise medicine prices, and equipped Banks with a tool to roll back financial regulation.  (

Thom Hartmann interviews Ben Beachy, Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch, on the TPP and Fast Track.

TPP is a free trade agreement, similar in style to NAFTA (The North American Free Trade Agreement) but of much larger scope.  NAFTA has been in effect for 20 years, and by looking at its results, we can predict what will happen if the TPP is enacted.
CLICK HERE to read "How NAFTA Drove Mexicans into Poverty and Sparked the Zapatista Revolt"
CLICK HERE to read "NAFTA, Twenty Years After:  A Disaster"

    1)  CLICK HERE to tell Congress "NO" to the TPP and "NO" to Obama's plan to "Fast Track" secret trade deals.  The TPP is not designed to help any country.  It's a legal way for multinational corporations to exploit the member countries and has the potential for devastating consequences.

    2)  10 DAYS TO STOP FAST TRACKJAN. 22-31 are the 10 days of action to stop Fast Track for the TPP.  BROWSE THE WEBSITE to learn which groups oppose TPP and why.
    3)  Thanks to Elizabeth Riebschlaeger for asking the GLT to sign on to a letter to their Congressional Representative opposing Fast Track.  CLICK HERE to read the letter. 
    Could the Corporate Stance process have been used for this issue?  No.  There was simply no time to involve the Congregation in the type of process needed for a Corporate Stance.  Because of the seriousness of the issue and the lack of time, Elizabeth requested "that the GLT sign this letter in support of social justice for workers and communities around the world" and also asked for support from the International Justice and Peace Committee which she received.   Sr. Yolanda evaluated the request, saying that because the issue fit with the position of the Church's social documents, she felt confident to advise Elizabeth to proceed with signing our congregation on as an endorser.
    Again, many thanks, Elizabeth, for your initiative and follow-through on this issue.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


 On 14 February 2013, one billion people in 207 countries rose and danced to demand an end to violence against women and girls.

On 14 February 2014*, we are escalating our efforts, calling on women and men everywhere to RISE, RELEASE, DANCE, and DEMAND JUSTICE!

ONE BILLION RISING FOR JUSTICE is a global call to women survivors of violence and those who love them to gather safely in community outside places where they are entitled to justice – courthouses, police stations, government offices, school administration buildings, work places, sites of environmental injustice, military courts, embassies, places of worship, homes, or simply public gathering places where women deserve to feel safe but too often do not.  It is a call to survivors to break the silence and release their stories – politically, spiritually, outrageously – through art, dance, marches, ritual, song, spoken word, testimonies and whatever way feels right.  READ MORE

CLICK HERE for PHOTOS from 2013 "One Billion Rising."  See also the IMPACT it produced.

As part of the 8 July launch of the new ONE BILLION RISING FOR JUSTICE campaign, V-Day is debuting a new short film called “Rising,” by South African filmmaker Tony Stroebel (“One Billion Rising,” “The Man Prayer,” “Break The Chain”). The film features global event footage from One Billion Rising 2013 and calls up the new campaign for justice.
CLICK HERE to view the video.

Danzar contra la Violencia a la Mujer

Este 14 de febrero 2014 también nos uniremos a la Campaña de Danzar contra la Violencia a la Mujer que viene realizando el Colectivo Un Billon de Pie.  Esta actividad anual es un acción
absolutamente comprometidas con cambiar los sentidos comunes y estereotipos machistas que subyacen a la violencia contra la mujer.

Únete a esta actividad. Vean esto y BAILEN por sus hijas, hermanas, amigas, primas, mamás y abuelas... Watch this and DANCE for your daughters, sisters, friends, cousins, mothers, grandmothers.... (Hna. Teresa Maya)

Ve el video:

Reportaje en Perú - Feminicidios
Reportaje en México - Unidos Hacemos la Diferencia
Reportaje EE.UU - Campaña One billón Rising


Monday, January 20, 2014


  • Thanks to Elizabeth Riebschlaeger for sending in the following reflection on MLK from SEN. JEFF MERKELEY for "WORKING FAMILIES" and an ACTION that each of us can take.
Today, we honor the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It’s a chance for us to recommit ourselves to his life’s work – equality and economic opportunity for everyone.

After all, as Dr. King once said:
What does it profit a man to be able to eat at an integrated lunch counter if he doesn't earn enough money to buy a hamburger and a cup of coffee? ... What does it profit one to be able to attend an integrated school when he doesn’t earn enough money to buy his children school clothes?

The minimum wage today has less buying power than it did fifty years ago. That’s just wrong.

We can change that. The Fair Minimum Wage Act would increase the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, up from $7.25 today, and provide a raise for tipped workers (who’ve been stuck at $2.13 an hour since 1991). 

Sign the petition and tell Congress:  It’s time to raise the minimum wage.

Just as important, the Fair Minimum Wage Act would tie the minimum wage to the rate of inflation so working families earning minimum wage never lose a penny in buying power down the road. We’ve done that here in Oregon with our minimum wage, and it’s been a critical factor supporting our working families.

In the last several years, the top 1% have taken home some 95% of the economic gains. A stronger minimum wage means a stronger economy for all of us and better opportunities for working families. It’s a critical step towards making sure our nation's prosperity reaches everybody, not just the lucky few.

Please join me and Working Families: Call on Congress to pass the Fair Minimum Wage Act without delay.

-Senator Jeff Merkley

  • Thanks to Cindy Stacy for sending in Joan Chittister's reflection on MLK: A HIGHER NOTION OF HUMANITY
…until the day he was assassinated, Martin Luther King waged one long, unending campaign for the soul of the century. He molded the black church into a center of resistance. He targeted one situation after another for black reaction—segregated lunch counters, white educational systems, the labor disputes of black workers, urban housing settlements, voting registration abuses, and finally he focused in on the relationship between business, militarism and racism everywhere. And he did it all with love of the enemy and passive resistance that changed a nation without leaving a residue of incurable and unforgettable bitterness.  READ MORE

  • PAX CHRISTI:  During the past week, in preparation for the celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Pax Christi has been featuring some of the best writing from the "Bread for the Journey" blog that references or is inspired by Dr. King's witness.  

CLICK HERE for reflections by Rev. Joe Nangle, ofm which were first posted on 1/21/13.
Fr. Joe Nangle, ofm is a Pax Christi USA Ambassador of Peace.

CLICK HERE for reflections by Fr. Bryan Massingale which were first posted on 7/19/13. 
Fr. Massingale is a priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, a profesor of theology at Marquette University, and a dynamic speaker on justice issues.  He is the author of "Racial Justice and the Catholic Church,"  (Orbis, 2012).
CLICK HERE for the poem by Art Laffin, written from Rappanhannock Jail, Fredricksburg, VA, MLK Day, 1994.