
Thursday, February 20, 2014

World Day of Social Justice

The gap between the poorest and the wealthiest around the world is wide and growing. This situation is not only between countries but within them, including many of the most prosperous.  The World Day of Social Justice is observed to highlight the power of global solidarity to advance opportunity for all.

Circumstances such as where a person is born, where they live or their gender and ethnicity should never determine their income or their opportunities for quality education, basic healthcare, decent work, adequate shelter, access to drinking water, political participation or living free from threatened, or actual, physical violence. More

1.- Today is World Social Justice Day: what can Zimbabwe learn? Click Here
2.- Peace Committees collect and decommission guns from their neighbors. Click Here

Justicia social: principio fundamental para la convivencia pacífica y próspera, dentro y entre las Naciones

"En la medida en que Dios reine, la vida social será ámbito de fraternidad, de justicia, de paz, de dignidad para todas y todos" (Evangelii Gaudium).
Un 26 de noviembre de 2007 la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas mediante una Resolución (62/10) decide declarar que el 20 de febrero de cada año se celebre el Día Mundial de la Justicia Social; a fin de seguir defendiendo los principios de justicia social:
• La igualdad de género.
• Los derechos de los pueblos indígenas
• Los derechos de los inmigrantes
• La eliminación de las barreras que enfrentan las personas por motivos de género, edad, raza, etnia, religión, cultura o discapacidad.
Y es que para las Naciones Unidas (como lo es para nosotras(os) y debería ser para todas las naciones), la búsqueda de la justicia social para todos/as es clave para promover el desarrollo y la dignidad humana.
1.- Persisten rezagos que impiden garantizar la justicia social en México. Click aquí
2.-Siete lecciones zapatistas para activistas luchadores(as) por la justicia social. Click aquí
3.- Día Mundial de la Justicia Social. Click aquí
4.-Perú: Comisión de Justicia Social: 37 años son muy pocos. Click aquí
5.-Instalan redes gratuitas de Internet en Lima(Perú). Click aquí
6.- Experiencia Voluntaria ("Aunque crean que no estamos haciendo la diferencia, por experiencia sé que la estamos haciendo"). Click aquí

Saturday, February 8, 2014

FEBRUARY 8: St. Josephine Bakhita

Thanks to Martha Ann Kirk

As we remember today ST. JOSEPHINE BAKHITA, a victim of Human Trafficking, let us also take a momento of silence to be in solidarity with the more than 27 million women, men, and children who suffer each day from modern slavery.

Freedom is more than good luck
Bakhita: “Fortunate One.” A slave owner gave this ironic name to a young girl kidnapped in Sudan in the 1800s. She was bought and sold many times. It was said that she forgot her birth name because of the great suffering she endured. Eventually she was transported to Italy and there gained her freedom. She joined the Canossian Sisters and was revered for her deep faith in God. Her name, once a symbol of oppression, became a symbol of hope. With Saint Josephine Bakhita, pray for freedom for the many people oppressed by human trafficking in the world today.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Reading anything good these days?

While strolling through my old Kinko's store in south St. Louis for old times sake, I stumbled upon a small (5"x7", 92 pages, double-spaced) book by John Perry which caught my attention.  It's title: The Art of Procrastination:  A Guide to Effective Dawdling, Lollygagging and Postponing*  (*or getting things done by putting them off).  

That looked like a book that was calling my name. 

Casually flipping through it I saw that it began with a quote by Mark Twain:  "Never put off to tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow."  Yes!  Then it talked about akrasia, the mystery of why people choose to do other than what they think is best for them to do. I figured that any book they could tell me why I get bogged down with e-mail, unanswered letters, etc. was worth its weight in gold.

I found the book to be delightful, insightful, and helpful.  More than once I laughed out loud as I recognized myself in one description or another.  Anyone who wants to read the book, is more than welcome to borrow my copy (if I just get around to sending it to you).

New Year's Resolutions: The Pope Francis List

Thanks to St.Ann's parish for publishing the Pope Francis list of New Year's Resolutions written by Paterno Esmaquel II. 

(You might be wondering why this post is coming in February instead of a month ago.  That's a very good question -- and you've probably guessed the answer if you read the previous post.)

MANILA, Philippines – He preaches against gossip, reminds us to finish our meals, and even tells us not to fear marriage. Described as the “world’s parish priest,” Pope Francis goes beyond abstract theology, and gives us advice we can use daily. What lessons from him can we bring into 2014?

Rappler compiles 10 of the Pope’s most memorable quotes in the form of New Year’s resolutions. CLICK HERE to read the Pope Francis list.

Bishops of Zambia speak out

Thanks to Cristina Varga for the Press Statement (below) issued by the Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) on January 23, 2014.

Salutation:  Dear members of the Press and invited guests. New Year greetings from us, the Zambia Episcopal Conference!

On the occasion of our first plenary session in 2014, we have invited you here to share with you and through you with the nation our perspective of various issues that are affecting our country.

1.    Introduction:  We thank the Almighty God for preserving our country in relative peace and unity throughout 2013.

We note with joy and gratitude to God that this year, our country is celebrating its golden jubilee of independence. This is a great achievement for our country. In this vein, we give thanks to God for his mercy on our country; we honour our founding fathers and mothers who sacrificed for our freedom and salute every individual Zambian for their personal contribution to the harmony we enjoy in our country, today. Scripture says; “Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called Children of God” (Matthew 5: 9).  READ MORE

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mi cuerpo es mío: El biopoder, el Estado y las esterilizaciones forzadas

Gracias a Víctor Mendoza
El feminismo que yo defiendo, no es el que se hizo de la vista angosta ante tremendo crimen contra las mujeres, debe de reivindicar la búsqueda de justicia que implica poner en el banquillo a los autores de estas políticas y llamar la atención... sobre quienes, en su momento, no cuestionaron el mal uso de recursos de USAID o del Fondo de Población de NNUU.
Soy una persona que defiende la planificación familiar, pero, sobre todo, defiendo la libertad de las mujeres de poder hacer de nuestros cuerpos, altares que no sean profanados ni por el Estado ni por otros hombres ni mujeres (Por Rocío Santiesteban). Leer más

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Protecting the Rights of Migrant Workers

Thanks to Tere Maya

Founded in 2005, Centro de los Derechos del Migrante, Inc. (CDM) is the first transnational workers' rights law center based in Mexico to focus on U.S. workplace rights.

Since its founding, CDM has been driven by its mission to improve the conditions of low-wage workers in the U.S. 

CDM has met with more than 6,000 people in 23 states across Mexico to ensure that migrants know their rights before they cross the border.

CDM has collaborated with workers and allies to recover more than five million dollars in unpaid wages and to establish important legal precedents and policies to protect migrants all along the migrant stream.

CDM’s binational, multilingual staff and geographic reach have grown in response to increasing needs for its advocacy and services. Today, with headquarters in Mexico City, two satellite offices in Juxtlhuaca, Oaxaca and Baltimore, Maryland, and advocates in Zacatecas, CDM has established itself as a powerful, transnational agent of change. (From

CLICK HERE to read CDM's comprehensive "Impact Report 2013."
CLICK HERE to read CDM's response to Obama's State of the Union Address - January, 2014