
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Filtración: Arabia Saudita autoriza la compra de niñas sirias huérfanas

La trata de personas es un delito a nivel mundial, muchas niñas están siendo vendidas, es una dura realidad que debemos combatir.

Un documento del Ministerio del Interior de Arabia Saudita revela que el país ha autorizado la venta de niñas sirias a hombres de nacionalidad saudí, informa TeleSur citando medios locales. Se trata de una filtración que ha hecho pública una carta que supuestamente mandó el Gobierno saudí a su Embajada en el Líbano. En la misma se autoriza el 'matrimonio' de niñas sirias que han perdido a sus familiares sin registrarlo de manera oficial. Leer más:

No esclavos(as), sino hermanos(as)

El Papa Francisco, emitió su Mensaje por la Jornada Mundial por la Paz celebrado este 1 de enero.

"Al comienzo de un nuevo año, que recibimos como una gracia y un don de Dios a la humanidad, deseo dirigir a cada hombre y mujer, así como a los pueblos y naciones del mundo, a los jefes de Estado y de Gobierno, y a los líderes de las diferentes religiones, mis mejores deseos de paz, que acompaño con mis oraciones por el fin de las guerras, los conflictos y los muchos sufrimientos causados por el hombre o por antiguas y nuevas epidemias, así como por los devastadores efectos de los desastres naturales. Rezo de modo especial para que, respondiendo a nuestra común vocación de colaborar con Dios y con todos los hombres de buena voluntad en la promoción de la concordia y la paz en el mundo, resistamos a la tentación de comportarnos de un modo indigno de nuestra humanidad". Leer más:

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

First world day against human trafficking set for February 8, 2015.

Thanks Martha Ann
The first International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking has been announced for Feb. 8, the feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese slave who eventually was freed and became a Canossian nun.   The day is intended to raise awareness and to encourage reflection on "the violence and injustice that affect" the numerous victims of trafficking, according to a Nov. 25 press release from the Pontifical Council for Migrants and Travelers.
Trafficking victims "have no voice, do not count, and are no one. They are simply slaves," the council said.  The observance also is designed to seek solutions and promote concrete action to stop trafficking.
St. Josephine Bakhita, give us strength and courage to speak for those enslaved.

Regularly learn of  Human Trafficking on Sisters Global Report

El Santo Niño, Prayer for Immigrants and the Vulnerable with Card Writing to Those in Detention

University of the Incarnate Word Students  created and hosted “El Santo Niño, Prayer for Immigrants and the Vulnerable with Card Writing to Those in Detention.”  The students dramatized Mary and Joseph remembering that they had been refugees fleeing violence.  The students spoke as migrants who had fled from Mexico and Central America.  José Rubén De León, a graduate of the university, shared from his new album Villancicos, Christmas Carols from Latin America and Spain.  
The carol “El Santo Nino” from Puerto Rico says, “Mother standing at our door way is a baby boy so lovely. He is cold and weeping sadly, and his clothes are very ragged.  Then the mother bade him welcome to the fire so bright and glowing. As he warmed himself  she asked him in what country he was reigning.  ‘My father is in heaven and my mother lives there too. My life on earth is given for the sake of you.’” 

US wealth gap between upper-income families and others is the widest on record

Thanks Martha Ann
US upper-income families have a median net worth that is nearly 70 times that of the country’s lower-income families, the widest wealth gap between these families in 30 years.
Upper-income families have about seven times the wealth of  middle oncome. Racial and ethnics differences are apparent. Part of the reason is that minimum wages have often stayed the same.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

See what the Pope is doing today with other religious leaders

(Thanks to Martha Ann) Let’s try to work with people of different faiths as the Pope is doing: Pope and other religious leaders commit to eradicating human slavery.
Pope Francis said human trafficking occurs virtually everywhere, from slums to the world’s wealthiest cities, hidden behind closed doors or in plain sight on streets where women are forced into prostitution. (Reuters/Landov)  December 2, 2014
ROME — Declaring that human trafficking is “a crime against humanity,” Pope Francis and the leaders of other major faiths across the globe vowed Tuesday to work to eradicate slavery by 2020.  “In the eyes of God, each human being is a free person, whether girl, boy, woman, or man, and is destined to exist for the good of all in equality and fraternity,” says the declaration signed by Anglican, Orthodox, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, and Muslim leaders during a ceremony at the Vatican.  The meeting was sponsored by the Global Freedom Network, a faith-based network that Francis launched earlier this year with Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, the leader of the 80 million-strong Anglican Communion, and Ahmed Muhammad Ahmed el-Tayeb, Grand Imam of Al Azhar Mosque in Egypt, considered the Vatican of the Sunni Muslim world.  Among the signatories to the document were two rabbis, an imam and a sheikh, two ayatollahs, a Hindu guru, a Zen master, and an Orthodox patriarch---eight different religious groups in all.      Read more: