
Monday, September 21, 2015

Peace Day in San Antonio

The San Antonio peace CENTER is hosting its second Laureate Wisdom Conversation
Monday, September 21
at the Whitley Theological Center
Oblate School of Theology
(285 Oblate Drive, San Antonio, TX 78216)

In a wisdom conversation, we eavesdrop on an intimate "livingroom conversation" held among the San Antonio Peace Laureates. Their task is to model a compassionate conversation that promotes healing, shares and acknowledges stories and leads to transformation of self and society. Our task is to listen deeply, to learn, to practice the model in small groups and to share what we've learned in our homes, schools, faith organizations  and workplaces.

Sister Martha Ann Kirk is speaking in behalf of the Incarnate Word Sisters as the 2013 Peace Laureate.  The group will also have Rabbi Sam Stahl and Imam Omar Shakir and other laureates.

The event is free. We encourage you to bring a friend. If you would like to review our previous conversation, on prejudice, you can watch a video that NOWCastSA graciously made of that event:  In that Sr. Tere Maya was speaking in behalf of the IW Sisters.
They will also be recording this conversation. Thanks, also, to Oblate School of Theology for use of the beautiful Whitley Theological Center.

Although no advance preparation is required, we have included a short list of resources that you may find useful.


A Brief History of White Privilege, Racism  and Oppression in America

An Intro to Structural Racism in 6:19

Disparities in the Criminal Justice System
Michelle Alexander: Locked Out of the American Dream

Strengthen Compassion By Studying White Privilege
Peggy McIntosh


White America, It's Time to Be Uncomfortable and OK With It
by Keith Rushing

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
by Peggy McIntosh

How the Black/White Paradigm Renders Mexican-Americans and Discrimination Against them Invisible
by Eduardo Luna

Confederacy myths survive because our history books are wrong
by James Loewen

Racial Inequality After Racism
How Institutions Hold Back African Americans
By Fredrick C. Harris and Robert C. Lieberman
Happy 20th Birthday to the peaceCENTER!
Sunday, October 4th
3:00-6:00 PM
at the Whitley Center, Oblate School of Theology
Bring family and friends.
Bring peaceCENTER stories.
Bring your smile and some melodia in your step!
Birthday refreshments served.
Free and open to the public, but consider a donation to honor the peaceCENTER -- in quantities of 2s + 0s!

Baylor Professor Robert Darden, author of "Nothing but Love in God's Water: Black Sacred Music from the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement," will speak about his newest book, which explores how songs and singers helped African Americans challenge and overcome slavery, subjugation, and suppression.

Healthcare Response to Human Trafficking

The Alamo Area Coalition Against Trafficking proudly presents a one day workshop targeting a wide range of healthcare providers with the goal of providing critical information on the identification, assessment, and diagnosis of trafficking victims. In addition, general information will be given on legal issues and available community resources.
Healthcare providers are often the first to encounter trafficking victims. In becoming familiar with the signs and symptoms of trafficking, medical professionals collaborate in our community-wide effort to eradicate this unthinkable crime targeted towards the invisible and vulnerable in our midst.
The big conference that we will have at UIW on trafficking especially for health care people will be in October 20th.  Register online at:  

Special Speakers:

  • Former Senator Leticia Van de Putte
  • Kirsta Melton, Office of the Attorney General
  • Shelley Botello, Methodist Specialty and Transplant Hospital
  • Laurie Charles, Children’s Hospital of San Antonio
  • and more…

Por una Sociedad libre de Trata de Personas

El 23 de setiembre fue instaurado como el Día Internacional contra la Explotación Sexual y el Tráfico de Mujeres, Niñas y Niños, por la Conferencia Mundial de la Coalición Contra el Tráfico de Personas en 1999.  Aquí algunas noticias importantes:

MéxicoPeña Nieto y tres años de sombra para las víctimas de trata -

Perú: Tarea permanente a la que no podemos dejar de mirar -

Te invitamos a unirte en oración este 23 de septiembre (adjuntamos oración) y si puedes participa de las actividades que están realizando diversas organizaciones para hacerle frente a la Trata de Personas.

Oración con motivo del discurso del papa Francisco ante la Asamblea General de la ONU

Como bien saben, a mediados de Junio salió a la luz Laudato Si’, la tan esperada encíclica del papa Francisco que nos insta a cuidar de la Tierra y de las personas pobres. El 25 de septiembre el papa Francisco dará un discurso ante la Asamblea General de la ONU que pondrá énfasis en la urgente necesidad de una contundente respuesta internacional frente al cambio climático y otras degradaciones medioambientales, así como frente a las enormes desigualdades existentes en nuestro planeta.

Las y los invitamos a unirse a los católicos de todo el mundo encendiendo una vela y  orando por la apertura al mensaje del Papa. Esta oración, basada en la propia encíclica, nos ayudará a todas y todos a internalizar más profundamente algunos de los elementos clave de la encíclica. 

Prayer as Pope Francis Addresses the U.N. General Assembly

As you know, in mid-June Laudato Si,’ Pope Francis’ long-awaited encyclical urging care of Earth and care of the poor was released.  On September 25, Pope Francis will address the delegates to the U.N. General Assembly, stressing the urgent need for a vigorous international response to climate change and other environmental degradation, as well as the vast inequities that exist on our planet. 

We invite you to join Catholics throughout the world in prayer for openness to the Pope’s message using the prayer service and lighting a candle.  Based on the encyclical itself, the prayer will help all of us more deeply internalize some of the key themes of the document.  

Here the Encyclical Letter: 

Día Internacional de la Paz

Cada 21 de septiembre se celebra el Día Internacional de la Paz, decretado por la Asamblea General (ONU) para reforzar los ideales de armonía en todas las naciones y pueblos del mundo. Y hoy, este llamado es más urgente cuando la violencia física y los conflictos a nivel mundial, impactan a miles de inocentes, y la exclusión y el discrimen son la orden del día.  Desde 1981 se promueve los ideales de paz en todos los pueblos. Una celebración que en esta oportunidad tiene como lema “Alianzas para la paz, dignidad para todos”, entendiendo que sólo el trabajo conjunto de los distintos grupos sociales permitirá lograr la paz.
Aquí el mensaje del Secretario de la ONU: "Este año, el Día Internacional de la Paz -21 de septiembre- se celebra en un momento de terrible violencia y de conflictos desestabilizadores en todo el mundo. En lugar de sumirnos en la desesperación, tenemos la responsabilidad colectiva de exigir que cesen la brutalidad e impunidad imperantes. Exhorto a todas las partes beligerantes a que depongan las armas y establezcan un alto el fuego a nivel mundial. A ellos me dirijo para decirles que pongan fin a la muerte y la destrucción y creen los espacios necesarios para una paz duradera. Aunque parece desesperantemente lejano, el sueño de la paz late en la conciencia de la gente del mundo entero." Leer más: 
Muchas personas han dedicado su vida a lo largo de la historia ha promover y construir la paz, lo que las ha hecho merecedoras del Premio Nobel de la Paz. Aquí 5 latinoamericanos que han sido premiados con el Nobel de la Paz:

The International Day of Peace

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September.
Most people want world peace and tolerance towards the “other” in our society. But how can one person get involved? If you don’t know where to start, Miriam Halahmy shares her practical suggestions on what you can actually do to work towards peace and tolerance in our world, from holding a Malala-read-a-thon, to writing poetry to posting your own videos on YouTube – plus great ideas on what to read:
As conflicts continue to rage in Ukraine, Syria and locations around Asia, Africa and South America, International Peace Day is perhaps a timely reminder of the alternatives that exist to violence. The day, which falls on Sept. 21 each year, was first observed in 1982 after a resolution sponsored by the United Kingdom and Costa Rica was adopted unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly. The 2015 theme is “Partnerships for Peace -- Dignity for All,” according to the United Nations website, which notes the theme highlights the importance of all segments of society to work together and strive for peace. Read: 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Christian Activity Center – Bringing the Healing Love of Jesus Christ to East St. Louis, Illinois, USA

Children at the Christian Activity Center take a break
from their activities to smile for the camera. Clearly they love where they are.
(By Bridget Flood) Any agency that strives to prepare youth for successful futures is praiseworthy. But when that organization is situated in East St Louis, IL, a city which for decades has faced major challenges in successfully raising its young people, the mission can sound like a far-fetched goal.
Chet Cantrell, executive director of the Christian Activity Center in East St Louis, would beg to differ. Cantrell has been in his position since 1989.  During his tenure he has made incredible strides, but he is quick to credit his partners in the project.   Specifically Cantrell recognizes Incarnate Word Foundation’s unflagging support.  “Their fingerprints are everywhere,” he said.  “They have been transformational.”
The Center is a haven for children and youth 5-18 (grades K-12th).   About 1,000 participants come every weekday at 3:30pm (10am in the summer) and stay until 8pm (6pm in the summer). Each child is offered a hot dinner meal, reading and math classes, homework help, computer training, fine arts (yoga, karate, dance), recreation, medical care, college access, workforce training, and mentoring (Bible study, devotions, Sisterhood, Power Hour, etc.) In addition, CAC sends children to summer camps and on mission trips (Belize, Canada, New York, Florida and Louisiana).
Cantrell’s numbers are impressive.  His children have a 97% high school graduation rate with 74% having some college advancement. His program participants have a 5% teenage pregnancy rate, and 3% crime rate. Both figures are significantly lower than for the East St Louis community as a whole.
Cantrell says the foundation’s grants, which began about 10 years ago, not only helped sustain his center but have provided seed money as well. One grant helped the center develop a relationship with Intel which is ongoing.  Other grants have helped the center hire and train staff and develop ongoing training programs. The center now has a nurse practitioner and a trauma therapist. 
And the opportunities for partnership are only growing. Last year Cantrell began an ambitious project of turning roughly 22 acres of dangerous overgrown vacant land into a green space for gardens, athletic fields, concerts. In that year a transformation has begun. The site has been razed, it was the home to the center’s first community concert in May, and the potential is endless. Cantrell knows he can’t move forward alone, and he knows the Incarnate Word Foundation will continue to be a strong partner in a common mission, to bringing the healing love of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word, to the children of East St. Louis.
Children at CAC attending a daily Bible Study class