
Thursday, March 31, 2016

No place for terrorism in Islam

The Islamic scholar Fethullah Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen as thousands of other Muslim leaders explains that there is no place for terrorism in Islam. Gülen said, “Terror incidents in Pakistan, Brussels, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Bangladesh and elsewhere.. this shamefulness and cowardice are committed on the account of being a Muslim, yet there is no place for terrorism in Islam; these are devilish acts.  attacks of Boko Haram, al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS and al-Nusra, wherever people are being killed unjustly, it is forbidden to attack innocents even in the state of war. This savagery and murder cannot be tolerated by any religion nor anyone whose conscience has yet to die. Terror is wretched, no matter which shape it comes in!” See his speech Learn more about the Service (Hizmet) Movement founded by Gülen
(The photo is from the 1998 dialogue between Fethullah Gulen and Pope John Paul II.) 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

13 stories that explore how women are treated around the world

How are women doing around the world today? It seems like a straightforward question, but it's not so easy to answer. Generally speaking, women are way better off than they were 100 years ago and are better off than they were 20 years ago. But when you examine the national and local situations across the planet, the assessment gets murkier. In some countries, gender equality is actively pursued. In many others, inequalities are enforced. Add it all up and disparities abound. Some women have a lot more access to rights and opportunities such as education, work options, reproductive health and more, but that is not consistent everywhere. Overall, more and more women are earning educational degrees, avoiding childhood marriage, getting necessary healthcare and building economic self reliance. For International Women's Day, here’s a rundown of some Global Citzen stories from the last year that showcase both the challenges that remain for girls and women as well as the promise that lies ahead. Click here:

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Good Friday Justice and Peace Meditation

Solidarity to the brink of death, painful death, and beyond. Never think that God doesn't understand your pain. He was there

"He was tortured, murdered and buried." Just like so many other men and women in human history who suffered at the hands of someone stronger than they. And a death as real as any experienced by all of humanity.

This knowledge of God's isn't something hard to comprehend, it is blood red, it is water flowing  from a spear wound, it is nails pounded into human flesh. It just doesn't get more real than that.  "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weakness. . . "  He bore our infirmities and our sufferings -- and by His stripes we are healed. 

Can we bear to behold such solidarity? Today we venerate and kiss the Cross, symbol of our Savior's offering, but isn't true veneration of the Cross the willingness to live the life-poured-out-for-others that it symbolizes? Today, tomorrow and the day after that? 

So what if we are not all Mother Teresa or St. Francis -- does this mean that we must close our eyes to what is happening all around us? I think that too often we would rather keep our Christ safely nailed to a cross, preferably a nice pretty gold or silver cross.  But the question of Good Friday is -- Where is our solidarity today with the Jesus who is among us? 

Would we volunteer our time in the urban inner city? Would we speak out against unjust war when the crowds are chanting "Crucify those Iraqi bastards!" What about an impoverished rural community along the Rio Grande,  or in the Navajo Nation? Do we spend more on fun and frivolity than we share with those who are in need? Can we kiss a Cross in our church,  and then turn our backs on it when we are out in the world?   Sure we can, we do it all the time, but the message of Lent culminating in this Good Friday  observance is to turn away from that kind of sin, reform your ways and manners of living, and rise on Easter to new life in Christ.

As we have journeyed through Lent and into Holy Week, the call to daily conversion of life is consistent and without any ambiguity. 

We do not have to walk in misery and darkness. We can break free of the chains of slavery to materialism and consumerism and violence and lust and greed and all the other sins of this era. We can rise with Christ to new life, a more holistic life, with balance and healing and virtue, a generative life that brings forth harmony, reconciliation, and peace, a joy that is rooted in service and holiness.
As the Good Thief discovered that day nearly 2,000 years ago, it is never too late to turn back to God. There is never so much water under the bridge, that the bridge cannot be crossed. There is no burden so great that Jesus cannot help you carry it. There is no one who is so far away that they cannot be brought near by the Blood of Jesus Christ, which cleanses us from all sin and restores our relationship with God and each other. 

"So let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and favor and to find help in time of need."

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Reflection for Holy Thursday

By: John Bucki, SJ
Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
John 13:1-15
"The washing of the feet and the sacrament of the Eucharist: two expressions of one and the same mystery of love entrusted to the disciples, so that, Jesus says, 'as I have done . . . so also must you do' (Jn 13: 15)."
Pope John Paul II, Holy Thursday 2003
"Great indeed is the mystery of which we have been made ministers . . . a mystery of divine diakonia which prompts the Word made flesh to wash the feet of his creation, thus showing that service is the high road in all genuine relationships between people: 'You also should do as I have done to you' (Jn 13:15)."
Pope John Paul II, Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday 2001
"A spirituality of communion indicates above all the heart's contemplation of the mystery of the Trinity dwelling in us, and whose light we must also be able to see shining on the face of the brothers and sisters around us. A spirituality of communion also means an ability to think of our brothers and sisters in faith within the profound unity of the Mystical Body, and therefore as 'those who are a part of me.' This makes us able to share their joys and sufferings, to sense their desires and attend to their needs, to offer them deep and genuine friendship. A spirituality of communion implies also the ability to see what is positive in others, to welcome it and prize it as a gift from God: not only as a gift for the brother or sister who has received it directly, but also as a 'gift for me.' A spirituality of communion means, finally, to know how to 'make room' for our brothers and sisters, bearing 'each other's burdens' (Gal 6:2) and resisting the selfish temptations which constantly beset us and provoke competition, careerism, distrust and jealousy. Let us have no illusions: unless we follow this spiritual path, external structures of communion will serve very little purpose. They would become mechanisms without a soul, 'masks' of communion rather than its means of expression and growth."
Pope John Paul II, Novo Millennio Ineunte, #43
"We have a lot of work to do. Every time we reach out and assuage someone's hunger, and do that in memory of Jesus, a sense of Eucharist will bring to consciousness the Spirit and the real presence of Jesus--in us, through us, among us. That Spirit alone is capable of transforming the world and us."
Miriam Therese Winter, MMS

Thoughts for your Consideration
Holy Thursday presents us with many things that connect with Catholic Social Teaching. Holy Thursday offers us scriptures which challenge us to move beyond ourselves into the freedom and joy of Jesus Christ which is shared in community. God's spirit inspires social change in the Christian community and in the world community.
The Exodus: In the first reading we are invited into the exodus story, the great story of God leading people from slavery to freedom, the great story of God bringing people together into a community. God's spirit inspires liberation of those who are enslaved. Liberation is at the heart of Catholic Social Teaching.
The Passover Meal - The Eucharist: In the second reading, we are invited into the Passover meal which Jesus celebrated with his friends. We are invited into the Eucharist and to receive the body of Christ and to become the living body of Christ. This solidarity is essential to Catholic Social Teaching.
The Washing of Feet: In the gospel story, we are invited into the Passover meal and the profound ritual of washing feet--the profound ritual of service. Service is what being a follower of Jesus is all about. [It is so central to what Jesus is about, that some have proposed that we do this each Sunday, just as we share the Eucharist each week.] Service, especially to the poor and all those in need, is at the heart of Catholic Social Teaching.
Service and mutuality: The interaction between Jesus and Peter reminds us of the mutuality of service that is essential to the Christian life. Peter, along with all the other disciples, is told to go and do the same, but first he is also told that he has to have his feet washed. The Christian community is not a community of "domination over," or a community where some have it and others do not, or a community divided by those in need and those not in need. We all need to serve and we all need to be served. In community we share our needs as well as our gifts with each other.
Priestly Ministry: If the ministry of priests makes any sense in the Christian churches it is only in light of the gospel story of the washing of the feet. In our baptism we are all priests. We all have things to learn and things to teach. Priesthood means humble service. It is in a spirit of humble service that we work for social change.
Questions for Reflection in your Faith Sharing Group
Share an experience of witnessing humble service. How did it touch you? How were you challenged?
We thank you, O God,
for the life and the knowledge
which you have revealed to us
through Jesus, your servant.
Glory to you through the ages!
As the bread we have broken
was scattered far and wide upon the hills,
but when harvested becomes one,
so may the Church be gathered
into your Kingdom
from the farthest reaches of the earth . . .
Lord almighty, you created the universe
for the glory of your name;
you gave women and men food and drink
to strengthen them,
that they might give you thanks;
but to us you have given
spiritual food and drink,
and eternal life through your Son . . .
Glory to you through the ages!
(Didache 9:3-4; 10:3-4)
* * *
Thank you for sight:
sight that comes in Jesus,
insight about ourselves and the world,
insight about the way of Jesus,
the way of compassionate love.
Thank you for life and all that nourishes life:
the food of bread and grain,
fruits and vegetables,
meat and fish,
milk and all proteins,
air and water,
sun and breeze,
earth and sea,
space and mystery,
friend and companion,
stranger and refugee,
young and old,
the familiar and the new.
Thank you for the life of the spirit:
for prayer and meditation,
for silence and sound,
for sacrament and scripture,
for community and tradition,
for poverty and wealth,
for wisdom shared,
for conversation and silence,
for unity and diversity.
Thank you for all the challenges:
for the call
to act for justice,
to serve others,
to live in peace,
for the feelings that teach us
to know ourselves and others and you,
to be restless for what is right,
to speak out for what is good,
to witness to what is of God.
Glory to you through all the ages! Amen!


Oración ante la Violencia

La Oficina de Justicia, Paz e Integridad de la Creación de las Hermanas de la Caridad del Verbo Encarnado (CCVI) expresamos nuestra cercanía y solidaridad con las familias de las víctimas de los atentados en Bruselas‬.

Rechazamos toda violencia y nos unimos en oración para que todas las personas podamos ser portadores(as) de paz.

Petición: Dame Señor la valentía de trabajar por la paz.

Mt 5, 1: Jesús subió a la montaña. Y les dijo: Bienaventurados los que trabajan por la paz, porque ellos serán llamados hijos de Dios.

Mt 5, 38-42: Habéis oído que se dijo: Ojo por ojo, diente por diente. Pues yo os digo que no opongáis resistencia al que os hace el mal. Antes bien, si uno te da una bofetada en la mejilla derecha, ofrécele también la otra. Al que quiera ponerte pleito para quitarte la túnica déjale también el manto. Si uno te obliga a caminar mil pasos, haz con él dos mil. Da a quien te pide y al que te solicite dinero prestado no lo esquives. Habéis oído que se dijo: Amarás a tu prójimo y odiarás a tu enemigo. Pues yo os digo: Amad a vuestros enemigos, rezad por los que os persiguen. Así seréis hijos de vuestro Padre del cielo, que hace salir su sol sobre malos y buenos y hace llover sobre justos e injustos.

- ¿Cómo devolver bien por mal ante tanta injusticia?
- ¿Cómo construir paz ante tantas violencias?

las esperanzas
de quien se atrevió a adentrarse
en la entraña de la vida.
Los sueños de paz.
La verdad, crucificada
en nombre de lo conveniente.
Crucificado el amor
que no supimos entender.
Cruces, cruces en las veredas
de la historia, en los pozos
del desconsuelo. Cruces,
y gritos que rasgan el cielo
sin encontrar más eco
que el silencio.

No desesperemos,
pese a todo,
contra viento y marea,
contra pecado y orgullo,
contra egoísmo y cerrazón,
Dios abraza la cruz
para derribarla,
la callada no es su respuesta;
y la vida espera, pujante,
para vaciar
los sepulcros
de una vez por todas.

(José María R. Olaizola, sj)

*Adaptación - Oración ante la violencia - Rezando Voy

Vatican to Undertake Ecological Initiatives during Easter Season

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- During Holy Week and in the Easter season, the Vatican will take part in several initiatives highlighting the importance of ecology and the care for creation.
The Governorate of Vatican City State announced March 18 that the thousands of floral arrangements for the Easter morning Mass and the pope's solemn blessing "urbi et orbi" (to the city and to the world), will be re-purposed after the celebrations.
Thousands of bushes, flowering trees, tulips and other flowering bulbs, which are a gift of growers in the Netherlands, will be replanted in the Vatican gardens. The plants also will be distributed to various pontifical colleges and institutions "so that they may bloom in the coming years," the governorate said.
Charles van der Voot, who has designed the Vatican Easter floral arrangements for the past 15 years, will arrange the flowers for the last time in 2016, the Vatican said. He will be succeeded by another Dutch florist, Paul Deckers, who has assisted van der Voot.
Heeding the pope's call to care for the environment, the governorate also announced the inauguration of an "ecological island," a recycling center for the separate disposal of waste and compost.
The cupola of St. Peter's Basilica and Bernini's famed colonnade will also go dark March 19 for one hour in an effort to promote climate change awareness.
The Vatican announced it will join countries around the world in turning off non-essential lights for "Earth Hour 2016," an event promoted by the World Wildlife Fund International. The initiative, according to the fund's website, is meant as "a symbol of their commitment to the planet."


Thursday, March 17, 2016

Check out our new website!
The Congregational Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Office is excited to announce the launch of our updated website
The new site has a fresh new look and was designed with your needs in mind. The user-friendly navigation provides easy access to our blog, documents highlights and JPIC events.
And there are plenty of ways for you to contribute:
   Submit a news of the Week or idea for Action about Human Rights
   Suggest a visioning workshop or conference track by Facebook or Twitter
These are just a few ways to get involved in JPIC activities. For more details about any of these, or to learn more about our various other efforts, please contact us:

San Patricio: historia de fe, emigración y explotación

El interior de un “barco ataúd”
Hoy en la fiesta de San Patricio muchísima gente en el mundo se siente un poquito irlandés.
Y es que el día de San Patricio quizá sea una de las fiestas más celebradas en el mundo. Las ciudades de Japón, Australia, Canadá, Malasia, Gran Bretaña y Estados Unidos patrocinan las festividades, lo mismo que en el país de origen del santo, Irlanda. Esta extensión geográfica refleja la amplia dispersión de irlandeses, por preferencia o necesidad, durante una emigración que abarca 300 años, por todo el mundo. Sin embargo, es posible que en ningún otro país adoptivo se sienta más tesoneramente la presencia de los irlandeses que en Estados Unidos, donde esta fiesta étnica se ha extendido hasta incluir a todos los estadounidenses.
Un poco de historia
Se estima que entre 1845 y 1852, la población de Irlanda descendió de 8 millones a 4 millones. 2 millones perecieron de hambre y epidemias, otros 2 millones emigraron, sobre todo al otro lado del Atlántico.
Los irlandeses que decidieron emigrar en vez de pasar hambre también se pusieron en grandes riesgos sus vidas. Con cierto parecido a las pateras africanas del siglo XXI, los irlandeses escaparon de la isla en buques denominados “barcos ataúdes”, donde los traficantes humanos de la época hacinaron a la mayor cantidad de pasajeros en un barco para hacer la travesía Atlántico, proveyéndoles la mínima cantidad de agua y comida. Los emigrantes pasaron varias semanas hacinados como ovejas en un camión. Muchos murieron de enfermedades y algunos estadísticas estiman que sólo un 70% de los que zarparon llegaron finalmente a América. Otros buques, por el exceso de peso, se hundieron antes de salir del puerto.
Los afortunados que lograron desembarcarse en EEUU se encontraron en una sociedad donde ya no eran siervos de nadie y al menos bajo la ley, tenían los mismos derechos que cualquier ciudadano americano. Por primera vez, podían tratar con un inglés de tú a tú porque ambos eran inmigrantes en un país nuevo. Era en EEUU donde muchos emigrantes irlandeses disfrutaron por primera vez el derecho de voto y empezaron a desarrollar la conciencia política. Formaron sindicatos y partidos políticos que presionaron al gobierno a cuidar el bienestar del pueblo, algo que no disfrutaban en la Irlanda nativa. Gracias a la influencia de los emigrantes irlandeses que regresaron a Irlanda años después, se empezaron a plantar las semillas de la revolución entre los campesinos irlandeses, que eventualmente llevó a su independencia del Reino Unido en 1922.

El Santo patrono de Irlanda
Nacido en Gales, de familia acomodada al final del siglo 4 a la edad de 16 años, el joven Patricio fue hecho prisionero por un grupo de invasores y llevado al otro lado del mar, donde permaneció 6 años en cautividad, trabajando como un pastor solitario. Su religión fue su consuelo y así se convirtió en un devoto cristiano.
Después de los 6 años, Patricio oyó la voz de Dios diciendo que ya era tiempo de dejar Irlanda, así que escapó de sus raptores y regresó a su casa. Aquí tuvo otra visión, la de un ángel que le dijo que tenia que regresar a predicar el cristianismo a los irlandeses. Después de 14 años estudiando sacerdocio, Patricio regresó a Irlanda, donde construyó iglesias y expandió el cristianismo durante los próximos 30 años hasta su muerte, el 17 de marzo del año 460 después de Cristo.
Dicen que San Patricio está enterrado en la Catedral de Down en Downpatrick, en el Condado de Down (Norte de Irlanda) Desde su muerte el 17 de marzo, ha sido este día el elegido para la conmemoración de San Patricio. Existe un centro “El Centro de San Patricio” donde se puede escuchar la historia de San Patricio y explorar sus raíces, utilizando para ello presentaciones y exposiciones con métodos audiovisuales.
La Catedral de Down fue construida en la antigua colina de Down en el siglo 12 y es uno de los centros de peregrinaje desde hace 1500 años. Gente de todas partes del mundo ha viajado hasta la catedral de Down para dejar coronas en la tumba de San Patricio. Tradicionalmente los emigrantes cogen un poco de turba de la tumba para recordar Irlanda.
Read more: 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Día Mundial del Agua

En 1992 la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas estableció que el 22 de marzo de cada año se celebraría el Día Mundial del Agua. El dia del agua es una ocasión única para recordar que, aunque a veces no valoramos un bien tan fundamental para nuestra vida, muchas personas en el mundo no tienen acceso a la cantidad de agua potable necesaria para su supervivencia.
Para este 2016 el lema es "Agua y Empleos". Ya que la mitad de todos los trabajadores en la Tierra están empleados en sectores relacionados con el agua. Millones de ellos no están reconocidos y no cuentan con protección.
En un mundo que está cubierto en sus dos terceras partes por agua, puede parecer un contrasentido mencionar que el difícil acceso al agua potable es la causa de enfermedades y pobreza para 1.500 millones de personas.

Sin embargo ésta es la realidad. El agua apta para uso humano (dulce, potable y de fácil acceso) es una parte muy pequeña del total y su escasez no se debe sólo a las condiciones naturales de determinadas regiones, sino que tiene mucho que ver con el aumento de la población, el despilfarro y la contaminación.
Existen tantas maneras de considerar, utilizar y conmemorar el agua como tradiciones culturales alrededor del mundo. El agua se sitúa en el centro de numerosas religiones como un elemento sagrado y se utiliza en diversos rituales y ceremonias.
Te invitamos a orar con este recurso realizado por la Congregación Religiosas de Santa Cruz denominado:

Laudato SI y el agua

International World Water Day

The United Nations estimates that more than 1 billion people worldwide currently lack access to safe drinking water and that by 2025 two-thirds of the world's population will not have access to drinking water.
The ministry's commitments to promoting the common good, acting on behalf of justice and stewarding resources compels us to call attention to this important issue. So that you can reflect on it in your organization, Catholic Health Association has developed a Reflection for World Water Day. Please share it widely within your organization and the community by:
  • Making a part of any organizational strategy to eliminate bottled water
  • Placing copies in chapels
  • Including as a daily reflection over the PA system
  • Using as an opening reflection in meetings
  • Posting on the intranet and social media sites
  • Sending via email, newsletters
  • Posting in break rooms and the cafeteria
Also, Laudato Si' and Water  resource explores this critical issue: 

Easter meditation on justice and peace

"The world proposes that we put ourselves forward at all costs, that we compete, that we prevail… But Christians, by the grace of Christ, dead and risen, are the seeds of another humanity, in which we seek to live in service to one another, not to be arrogant, but rather respectful and ready to help.
"This is not weakness, but true strength! Those who bear within them God’s power, his love and his justice, do not need to employ violence; they speak and act with the power of truth, beauty and love.
"From the risen Lord we ask the grace not to succumb to the pride which fuels violence and war, but to have the humble courage of pardon and peace. We ask Jesus, the Victor over death, to lighten the sufferings of our many brothers and sisters who are persecuted for his name, and of all those who suffer injustice as a result of ongoing conflicts and violence. . . May the marginalized, the imprisoned, the poor and the migrants who are so often rejected, maltreated and discarded, the sick and the suffering, children, especially those who are victims of violence; all who today are in mourning, and all men and women of goodwill, hear the consoling voice of the Lord Jesus: “Peace to you!” (Lk 24:36). “Fear not, for I am risen and I shall always be with you” (cf. Roman Missal, Entrance Antiphon for Easter Day). Pope Francis, Urbi et Orbi message, April 5, 2015
You just can't keep a good man down.
When that Roman soldier thrust his lance into Jesus' side, and then when his body was taken down from the Cross and laid in the arms of his most Blessed Mother, and then when his body was wrapped up and placed in a tomb, and then when soldiers were posted as guards to make sure no one could steal the body, the rulers of injustice thought that "that was that" for one obscure and troublesome red-necked rabbi from the provinces.
But the story doesn't end there.
It's easy to get into a "that was that" attitude about justice issues, especially when there is so much injustice, when power becomes arrogant, and when the poor are oppressed. It's raining, the boat is filling up, and all I have is a teaspoon to bail with. Maybe you are in a swamp, and the alligators are stacking up about waist high. Despair and all that flows from it -- silence, acquiescence, procrastination -- is always a temptation.
But "all that is" is not just what you can see, hear, feel, taste, and smell with your earthly senses. There is an entire spiritual reality that is as "real" as anything you can bite and taste or feel and smell. It is all around us, New Life -- Easter Life -- victory over death and evil. The Reign of God is upon and among us. That's also reality.
Every moment we live in justice and peace, we experience the Reign of God. Chaos may rage and violence may come, but all of the powers of evil will not win against God. This isn't a counsel to turn away from injustice, but instead a clarion call to action.
The Resurrection of Jesus gives us the courage and inspiration to do what needs to be done on behalf of peace and justice in a world of sorrow and fear.
We are truly an Easter people. We have received the message of the Risen Christ, who preaches to us the good news of salvation from sin and liberation from all wicked oppressions.  We are washed in the waters of baptism, anointed with the oil of salvation, and fed at the table of the Lord. To understand this Easter is to live this reality, moment by moment.

So it comes to pass that our eyes and ears and hearts become open to the ever-renewing Spirit of the Lord, who helps us to discern the signs of these times and who empowers us to live in the passionate freedom of the love of Christ, as we join with our neighbors in building the Reign of God right here, right now.

From: Website of the Blessed Oscar Romero Catholic Worker Community of Oklahoma City

Faith and Voter Guide

As religious organizations, clergy and people of faith across the country, we believe the 2016 election presents an important opportunity to reflect on our deepest values and commitment to the common good. Elections should be about more than partisan divisions, the latest poll numbers, Super PACs and billionaire donors. Politics as usual is insufficient for the urgent task of addressing the defining moral issues of our time: growing economic inequality; climate change; a broken immigration system that tears apart families; mass incarceration that devastates communities of color; gun violence; and confronting terrorism without abandoning our values. All of these challenges require policy responses, but at root they raise moral questions about the kind of nation we want today and for our children and grandchildren.

Religious leaders and ordinary people of faith have always been at the forefront of struggles for justice. The soul of American democracy is found in those clergy and faith-based activists who have marched, bled and even died for voting rights, equality and human dignity. Inspired by this prophetic witness and united as people of faith, we turn our attention to this presidential election not as partisans, but as faithful citizens committed to justice and compassion, responsibility and community.

The Golden Rule – as Pope Francis reminded us during a historic address to Congress in September of 2015 – has political implications and requires action. As the Pope said:
This Rule points us in a clear direction. Let us treat others with the same passion and compassion with which we want to be treated. Let us seek for others the same possibilities, which we seek for ourselves. Let us help others to grow, as we would like to be helped ourselves. In a word, if we want security, let us give security; if we want life, let us give life; if we want opportunities, let us provide opportunities.
At a time when some demonize immigrants and Muslims, exploit economic insecurity and sow division to score political points, most Americans are looking for responsible leaders who unite citizens around a better vision.
The 2016 election should be a national examination of conscience.
This reflection guide, endorsed by diverse religious organizations and faith leaders, provides a framework to think about key moral issues heading into the election.

Read all here: