
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Corazón Azul / Blue Heart

#IGiveHope  #DoyEsperanza
#CCVIsAgainstTrafficking  #CCVIsContraLaTrata

Sr Margareth Synder, CCVI;  Sr Teresa Maya, CCVI;  and Sr Jean Durel, CCVI.

Sister CathyVetter, CCVI.
Sor Martha Josefina, CCVI.

Sor Adriana Calzada, CCVI.

Carol Velarde, Pre-novicia & Hna. Leonila Gonzalez, CCVI.

Hna. Ivonne Ramirez, CCVI

Collaborator /Colaboradora
Associates / Asociados

Colaboradora / Collaborator

Sor María Márquez, CCVI

Colaboradora / Collaborator

Colaborador / Collaborator

Sister Mary Kay Mckenzie, CCVI

Sister Martha Ann Kirk, CCVI

Sor Ana Luisa Prieto, CCVI

Hna. Katty Huanuco, CCVI

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Big Win for Immigrant Families in Texas

The State of Texas has agreed to settle a lawsuit brought by dozens of immigrant families and the community organizing union, La Unión del Pueblo Entero (LUPE), challenging the State’s refusal to issue birth certificates to babies born in Texas to undocumented mothers. In a big win for immigrant families, Texas will adjust its rules to ensure that all Texas-born babies can receive the birth certificates they are legally owed. 

Without birth certificates, our clients lived in constant fear of having their families torn apart and their American-born children deported. They also struggled to get access to basic education, health, religious and childcare services. The settlement will be life-changing for them.

With co-counsel at Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, we filed suit last year after Texas began refusing to accept the two forms of IDs most commonly used by undocumented immigrants to obtain birth certificates for children born in the state. We argued that these changes were politically motivated, and effectively shut out undocumented mothers, leaving most of them unable to prove the citizenship of their American-born babies. 

Under the terms of the settlement, Texas will accept several IDs that are commonly available to undocumented immigrants living in Texas. Officials also agreed to undertake significant efforts to train local registrars on the new rules. In addition, the State will run a hotline so that anyone who is wrongly turned away by local registrars can get help. 

Join the Blue Heart Campaign against Human Trafficking

What is the Blue Heart Campaign?

An awareness raising initiative to fight human trafficking and its impact on society.
The Blue Heart Campaign seeks to encourage involvement and inspire action to help stop this crime.
The Campaign also allows people to show solidarity with the victims of human trafficking by wearing the Blue Heart.

The Blue Heart

The Blue Heart represents the sadness of those who are trafficked while reminding us of the cold-heartedness of those who buy and sell fellow human beings. The use of the blue UN color also demonstrates the commitment of the United Nations to combating this crime against human dignity.
In the same way that the red ribbon has become the international symbol of HIV/AIDS awareness, this campaign aims to make the Blue Heart into an international symbol against human trafficking. By "wearing"the Blue Heart you will raise awareness of human trafficking and join the campaign to fight this crime.

Follow the Blue Heart

By following the Blue Heart you can change your Facebook profile picture to a Blue Heart, stay connected through Twitter or watch videos on human trafficking on YouTube. Get involved and support the Blue Heart Campaign virtually.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Incarnate Word Sisters participating in the World Day Against HumanTrafficking

Sor María Márquez (Mexico), Sister Martha Ann Kirk (USA) and Hna. Katty Huanuco (Peru)
On July 30th is the World Day Against Human Trafficking.  We, the Congregational Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Office join the international UN Campaign against human trafficking which is called, "I Give Hope." You can participate in this campaign!  Take a picture of yourself with a blue heart.  This way we will be showing our solidarity with all those caught in human trafficking and we are committing ourselves to work for a society that honors human dignity. Please, send us your photo:

On May 27, 2015, we announced publicly that as the Congregation of  Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word of San Antonio, moved by our mission to actualize the compassionate and saving love of the Incarnate Word by promoting human dignity, “we affirm the dignity and rights of all persons and denounce human trafficking and those economic systems and societies that promote it.”

So we continue to support initiatives and programs that instruct and organize groups to take effective actions to eliminate human trafficking; promote a sustainable and equitable development to ease extreme poverty; adn rescue, support, and reintegrate in society the victims of human trafficking.
We oppose practices that take advantage of people while seeking wealth and/or pleasure; destroy  the environment,  thus eliminating opportunities for income and contributing to forced migration.

We remind ourselves that in order to end the crime of human trafficking we will all need to work together; and so, as Congregation, we united with other persons or groups to eliminate the causes and profitable markets for this crime; and help victims to recover and develop in mind, body and spirit.

Nowadays, we are working with Red Kawsay Peru (Consacrated Life against human trafficking ) and the US sisters against Human Trafficking.

Las CCVIs participan del Día Mundial contra la Trata de personas

Sor María Márquez (México), Sister Martha Ann Kirk (EEUU) y Hna. Katty Huanuco (Perú)
Este 30 de julio es el Día Mundial contra la Trata de Personas, por eso como Oficina Congregacional de Justicia, Paz e Integridad de la Creación (JPIC) impulsamos la campaña mundial Corazón Azul,  ‘Doy Esperanza’ frente a la Trata de Personas liderada por la ONU. 
Únete y da esperanza. Envíanos una fotografía tuya con un corazón azul al correo, de este modo mostramos solidaridad con todas la personas  en situación de trata y nos comprometemos por una sociedad más digna.

Con la Campaña Corazón Azul se trata de alentar una participación masiva y servir de inspiración a medidas que contribuyan a poner fin a este delito; ya que es una iniciativa de sensibilización para luchar contra la trata de personas y su impacto en la sociedad. Así, la Campaña permite también que las personas expresen su solidaridad con las víctimas de la trata de personas, luciendo para ello un Corazón Azul.

Las Hermanas de la Caridad del Verbo Encarnado un 27 de mayo del 2015, expresamos públicamente nuestra postura corporativa frente a la Trata de personas. Desde la misión de actualizar el amor salvador y misericordioso del Verbo Encarnado promoviendo la dignidad humana, nosotras como Congregación  “afirmamos la dignidad y los derechos de todas las personas y denunciamos la Trata de personas y los sistemas económicos y sociales que lo propician”.

Desde ese día hasta hoy, apoyamos iniciativas y programas que eduquen y movilicen; promuevan desarrollo sostenible y equitativo; rescaten, rehabiliten y reintegren a las víctimas. Asimismo nos oponemos a prácticas que abusan con fines lucrativos y de placer; agreden el medio ambiente, destruyen las fuentes de ingreso y contribuyen a la migración forzada.

Como Congregación, reconocemos que para terminar con el crimen de la Trata de Personas, todas y todos debemos trabajar juntos. Por ello, nos unimos a otras personas y grupos para eliminar las causas y los mercados que hacen rentable este delito. Así trabajamos junto a otras(os) para auxiliar a las víctimas para recuperar y desarrollarse en mente, cuerpo y espíritu.
Actualmente somos parte de la Red de Vida Consagrada  frente a la Trata de Personas -Kawsay Perú- y de la organización de Religiosas frente a la Trata de personas en Estados Unidos -US Sisters against Human Trafficking.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Consecrated Life against human trafficking in Peru

Religious and priests from Tacna, Puno, Cusco, Chimbote, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Piura, Chulucanas, Tarapoto, Yurimaguas, Pucallpa, Iquitos and Lima met from June 16-18 in the Retreat House of the College of Jesus in Pueblo Libre to celebrate the IV national meeting of the network Kawsay- consecrated life for a society free of human trafficking.

In the framework of the "Year of Mercy" and the example of the "Good Samaritan" in the Gospel of Luke, the 52 participants reaffirmed our commitment to approach with critical compassion and transformation this expression of violence that, because of its persistence and impact, should be considered a crime against humanity, because it is a socially corrosive phenomenon in the construction of a society of human rights.   

Although in recent years this topic has been highlighted in the media, the outrage at its growth is not seen.  And it is the tolerance of human trafficking and the accompanying corruption which guarantees this criminal activity a "sustainable economy," such that Peru has become the third highest country with the most victims in Latin America.    

At the end of the meeting a declaration was issued which reaffirms the conviction of listening to God where life cries out and putting resources from communities of consecrated life to use for people in situations of human trafficking.    

Monday, July 18, 2016

Detrás de lo que ves

En el marco del Día Mundial Contra la Trata de Personas, la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de México organizó una ‘Jornada Nacional de Participación Ciudadana a fin de  difundir información y brindar herramientas para promover el autocuidado, la denuncia y prevención de la trata de personas.

Las actividades a nivel nacional se realizó el 8 y 9 de julio, particularmente consistió en la difusión de la “Campaña Nacional Libertad sin engaños ni promesas falsas”; visibilizando la necesidad de prevenir la trata de personas desde las familias y comunidades así como generar acciones de protección, empoderamiento y autocuidado. Asimismo se destacó la Línea Nacional (01800 5533 000) para denunciar casos de trata de personas.

Cabe mencionar que las diversas actividades de prevención de la Trata de Personas fue apoyada por el Consejo Ciudadano de la Ciudad de México y la Red Nacional de Consejos ciudadanos, Confederación Revolucionaria de Obreros y Campesinos (CROC) y la organización ‘Uno a uno movimiento contra la esclavitud’ (1A1).

La campaña incluyó un paquete de prevención con un booklet informativo, documentales y una animación infantil cuyas temáticas se enfocan en concientizar sobre el  problema. Si necesitas material para trabajar en Colegios o Instituciones, déjanos saber para poder proporcionártelo. Puedes escribirnos a:

Working for Justice

'Working for Justice means making the Kingdom of God real here and now. Because we are returning space to God’s favored ones, that is, those who suffer most, the displaced persons.' So says our beloved Peruvian sister, Mirella Neira Sandoval. Through working with the families in the hills of San Juan Lurigancho and Comas (in Lima), Sr. Mirella has dedicated herself to working for a dignified world for everyone.

After nearly ten years of consecration as a Sister of Charity of the Incarnate Word, Mirella shares her gifts in the city of Chimbote, in northern Peru, managing the Incarnate Word Hospice health system.  Hospice is a place for people who are in the most sacred phase of their life, the transition from death to new life.

‘In Hospice, we have a great opportunity to promote a culture of care, create sacred spaces, and provide treatment worthy for everyone' emphasizes Sr. Mirella.   To accompany the families of people with terminal illnesses, as well as the patients themselves, requires respect, love, and care.  

While we find our sister Mirella participating in the actions of the Commission of Solidarity and Charity Work in the Diocese of Chimbote, we also find her accompanying the people of Chimbote as they call for an end to the pollution in the Bay of Chimbote.

We thank Sister Mirella Neira for her many good works, and above all that through her leadership in the Hospice, she has managed to spread a spirit among the collaborators that moves them to ensure each act is full of mercy, justice and dignity.

Promoviendo dignidad

‘Trabajar por la justicia es hacer que el Reino de Dios comience aquí y ahora. Porque le devolvemos el espacio a los favoritos de Dios. Sí, a quienes más sufren, a los desplazados’; afirma nuestra querida hermana peruana, Mirella Neira Sandoval. Y es que tras el encuentro con las familias en los cerros de San Juan Lurigancho y Comas (en Lima),  Mirella trabaja por un mundo más digno para todas/os.

Tras casi diez años de su consagración como Hermana de la Caridad del Verbo Encarnado, Mirella comparte sus dones en el puerto de Chimbote, al norte del Perú; dirigiendo el Hospicio del Sistema de Salud ‘Verbo Encarnado’. Un lugar para las personas que están en la fase más sagrada de su vida, la transición de la muerte a la vida nueva.

‘En el Hospicio, nosotras tenemos una gran oportunidad de promover una cultura de cuidado, espacios sagrados y de trato digno para todos, entre todos’ enfatiza la hermana Mirella.   Y es que acompañar a las familias de las personas con enfermedades terminales  así como a los mismos pacientes, exige cuidado, respeto y amor.

Si bien a nuestra hermana Mirella la encontramos acompañando las acciones de la Comisión de Solidaridad y Obras caritativas de la Diócecis de Chimbote, también la observamos caminando con la población del Puerto que exige el cese de la Contaminación en la Bahía de Chimbote.

Agradecemos a la hermana Mirella Neira por su impulso y sobre todo porque a través de su liderazgo en el Hospicio, ha logrado contagiar entre las/os colaboradores ese Espíritu que nos mueve a que cada acto esté lleno de misericordia, justicia y dignidad.

Conoce nuestro Ministerio de Salud en Perú aquí:

Mexico sustainability workshops

With the aim of ensuring that environmental sustainability is an integral part of our planning, decision making and practices within the Congregation, we hosted our sustainable living workshops. The Congregational Family in Mexico met in Casa San Angel (Mexico City), in the center of formation M. Teresa of Calcutta (Guadalajara) and Hospital Christus Muguerza (Monterrey). 

We thank Sr Ana Luisa Prieto, Sr. Covadonga Suarez, Sr María Márquez and CCVI Associate Agustín Ríos, members of the International Committee of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation for co-organizing these events, which no doubt help to reinforce lifestyle changes, to be more respectful of life on Earth, and to have greater support to resist the culture of consumerism. The workshops offered development models that respect the rights of all earth’s inhabitants.   

We would also like to thank every participating sister, associate, and collaborator from the CCVI schools.  Your presence enriches us and always, always pushes us to give more and do better.