
Friday, June 19, 2020

Act of faith, hope and love

This year, we share with you our beautiful prayer for and with refugees. We called this prayer as "Act of faith, hope and love". We invite you to join us to pray for all of those who leave everything behind to escape war, persecution or terror. 

Print prayer: HERE

United Nations aim to remind the world that everyone, including refugees, can contribute to society and Every Action Counts in the effort to create a more just, inclusive, and equal world.  The COVID-19 pandemic and the recent anti-racism protests have shown us how desperately we need to fight for a more inclusive and equal world: a world where no one is left behind. It has never been clearer that all of us have a role to play in order to bring about change. Everyone can make a difference. This is at the heart of UNHCR’s World Refugee Day campaign. 

Act of Faith, Hope and Love

God of the life,
We believe in your infinite goodness
and your love gave rise to all creation.
Jesus Christ, Incarnate Word,
we believe that you teach us the way to welcome,
protect, promote and integrate every human being,
especially people in vulnerable situations.
Ruah, Spirit of Community,
you bring us together to work for justice and peace,
we believe that we all have a place in your loving heart.

We hope in you, God of life,
we wait on the promise that your people contain,
our migrant, immigrant and refugee sisters and brothers
are the living memory of a new heaven and a new earth.
We actively look forward to building your Kingdom,
we put our hope in the dynamism of your Incarnation in history
and in the call that you make to us every morning
to be a presence of compassion, freedom and mercy.

God, grace with us,
from your immense charity and your justice,
we firmly recognize that human dignity knows no borders.
We love that we are in your
human condition, courage, bread, promise and spring.
Thanks for showing us that at your table
we all have a place.


© A prayer resource by Congregational Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Office. A ministry of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word [World Refugee Day 2020] Free Resource

Thursday, June 18, 2020

LCWR Welcomes SCOTUS Decision on DACA

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious is grateful that the Supreme Court struck down President Trump’s attempt to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). The Court’s ruling safeguards the right of 700,000 DACA recipients to live and work in the country that is their home. This is an enormous victory for the immigrant youth who have led the challenge to the Trump administration’s attempt to end the program that has protected our colleagues, students, neighbors, and friends from the threat of deportation.
DACA recipients have long contributed to our communities and our economy. They are teachers and engineers, specialist and essential workers of every kind. Nearly 30,000 DACA recipients are among the healthcare workers combating the outbreak of COVID-19 working to prevent the spread of the virus and to save the lives of those infected.
While we welcome the Court’s ruling, we recognize that this is not a permanent solution. We call on members of Congress to move expeditiously to pass legislation that will provide lasting stability for DACA recipients, those with Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and Dreamers, their families and our communities. It is long past time to enact a Dream Act that provides a path to citizenship without including funding for detention, deportation, or border militarization, or provisions that would limit opportunities for family reunification. The House of Representatives has already passed the bipartisan American Dream and Promise Act of 2019 (HR 6). It is time for the Senate to do the same.
Catholic sisters will continue to advocate for bipartisan legislation that addresses the injustices in our current immigration system. We will continue to stand in solidarity with our black and brown neighbors who seek the justice and dignity that is their right.
We note that this decision comes as Black people and their allies have courageously organized to demand an end to police brutality, systemic racism, and white supremacy. Our commitment to the gospel mandate to uphold the dignity of all people requires that we recommit ourselves to the work of dismantling all those systems that oppress people of color and to advocate for Black lives and the protection of immigrants.
LCWR is an association of leaders of congregations of Catholic women religious in the United States. The conference has approximately 1350 members, who represent about 80 percent of the women religious in the United States. Founded in 1956, LCWR assists its members to collaboratively carry out their service of leadership to further the mission of the Gospel in today’s world.
Contact: Annmarie Sanders, IHM - LCWR Director of Communications (

Un acto de fe, esperanza y amor con las personas refugiadas

Cada 20 de junio se realiza una jornada mundial sobre la realidad de las personas refugiadas,  como una expresión de solidaridad, sensibilización y responsabilidad.
Este año, compartimos con ustedes una oración inspirada en el caminar de las personas refugiadas en el mundo. La hemos denominado: "Un acto de fe, esperanza y amor", porque nuestra dignidad no tiene fronteras.

Puedes descargar la oración aquí: Versión impresa

La Agencia de la ONU para los refugiados nos invita este 2020, conmemorar este día para recuperar la convicción que todas las personas, incluso quienes viven en condición de refugiados, pueden hacer una contribución a la sociedad. Cada acción cuenta para crear un mundo más justo, inclusivo e igualitario.
Visita su página aquí:

Acto de Fe, Esperanza y Amor

Dios de la vida,
creemos en tu bondad infinita
y que tu amor desbordado dio origen a toda la creación.
Jesucristo, Verbo Encarnado
creemos que Tú nos mostraste el camino para acoger, 
proteger, promover e integrar a todo ser humano,
especialmente a las personas en situación de vulnerabilidad.
Ruah, Espíritu de comunidad,
que nos congregas para trabajar por la justicia y la paz,
creemos que todas y todos tenemos un lugar
en tu amoroso corazón.

Esperamos en ti, Dios de la vida,
Esperamos en la promesa que contiene tu pueblo,
nuestras hermanas y hermanos 
migrantes, immigrantes y refugiados
son la memoria viva de un cielo nuevo y de una tierra nueva.
Esperamos activamente en la construcción de tu Reino,
ponemos nuestra esperanza en el dinamismo 
de tu Encarnación en la historia
y en el llamado que cada mañana nos haces
a ser presencia de compasión, libertad y misericordia.

Dios nuestro, gracia que nos habita,
desde tu inmensa caridad y tu justicia,
reconocemos firmemente que 
nuestra dignidad no tiene fronteras.
Amamos que en ti también somos
condición humana, pan, promesa y manantial.
Gracias por enseñarnos que en tu mesa 
todas y todos tenemos cabida.
© Este recurso de oración ha sido elaborado por la Oficina Congregacional de Justicia, Paz e Integridad de la Creación. Un ministerio de las Hermanas de la Caridad del Verbo Encarnado [Día Mundial del Refugiado 2020] Libre para ser compartido

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Incarnate Word Family: silent not an option

In support of racial justice...

Series of billboards by St. Louis Catholic Sisters.

University Incarnate Word's students initiative.

Understanding and combating racism from Sr. Walter Maher, vice president of University Incarnate Word Mission & Ministry:

Incarnate Word Academy solidarity statement and actions:

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Compassionate action builds our strength and our voices in the face of racism

Compassion is like a muscle. The main idea is developing our muscles and our voices through empathy that comes by lying on the ground for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. Empathy can be transformed into compassion, you realize that you can do something. 
Build compassion muscles!  Wherever you are, you get down on the ground for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. You get a picture of yourself and you post it! Please, you can use these hashtags: #CompassionMuscles  #RacialJustice

The campaign has started: 
“As I laid on the ground I cried inside as I thought of the 42 families of the victims that our group prayed for yesterday in the Litany for Racial Justice” Sister Martha Ann Kirk CCVI.  

Litany for Racial Justice.  
After each of the 42 names, please respond: “You are a child of God.”       

You deserve to be able to walk alone. We remember Clifford Glover. 
You deserve to be able to decorate for a birthday party. We remember Claude Reese.
You deserve to be able to ask the police a question. We remember Randy Evans.
You deserve to be able to cash a check. We remember Yvonne Smallwood.
You deserve to be able to take out your wallet. We remember Amadou Diallo.
You deserve to be able to hold a hairbrush. We remember Sean Bell.
You deserve to be able to party on New Years. We remember Oscar Grant.
You deserve to be able to walk home. We remember Trayvon Martin.
You deserve to be able to play loud music. We remember Jordan Davis.
You deserve to be able to ask for help. We remember Jonathan Ferrell and Renisha McBride.
You deserve to be able to sleep. We remember Aiyana Jones.
You deserve to be able to shop at Walmart. We remember John Crawford.
You deserve to be able to walk from the store. We remember Michael Brown.
You deserve to be able to play cops and robbers. We remember Tamir Rice.
You deserve to be able to run. We remember Walter Scott.
You deserve to be able to live. We remember Freddie Gray.
You deserve to be able to go to Bible study. We remember the Charleston 9; Rev. Clementa Pickney, Cynthia Hurd, Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, Tywanza Sanders, Myra Thompson, Ethel Lee Lance, Susie Jackson and Daniel Simmons.
You deserve to be able to get a traffic ticket safely. We remember Sandra Bland.
You deserve to be able to spend time with my loved ones at home. We remember Breonna Taylor.
You deserve to be able to have car problems. We remember Corey Jones.
You deserve to be able to sell CDs. We remember Alton Sterling.
You deserve to be able to lawfully carry a weapon. We remember Philando Castile.
You deserve to be able to stand next to your car. We remember Terrence Crutcher.
You deserve to be able to read a book. We remember Keith Scott.
You deserve to be able to leave a party. We remember Jordan Edwards.
You deserve to be able to talk on a cellphone. We remember Stephon Clark.
You deserve to be able to sell products. We remember Eric Garner.
You deserve to be able to relax in your own home. We remember Botham Jean.
You deserve to be able to look out of the window. We remember Atatiana Jefferson.
You deserve to be able to stand outside your apartment complex. We remember Tony McDade.
You deserve to be able to go jogging. We remember Ahmaud Arbery.
You deserve to be able to drive your car. We remember Desmond Franklin.
You deserve to be able to gather with friends in a parking lot. We remember David McAtee.
You deserve to be able to buy something from the corner store. We remember George Floyd.
Leader: We remember all who have been killed in senseless violence and we respond together
Response: You are children of God
Leader: Amen

A litany from the "Prayer Service for Racial Justice" by John Carroll University Campus Ministry on June 2, 2020. Retrieved from “The Living Person’s social media”

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Interfaith Grants to Build Understanding Through Art, Food, and Children's Stories

Lauren D. Gonzales Interfaith Stories to Encourage Understanding and Children’s Literacy"
Three University of the Incarnate Word Graduates have been awarded “Alumni Interfaith Starter Grants”  by the prestigious InterfaithYouth Core. Empowered by experiences with the UIW Ettling Center for CivicLeadership and Sustainability which has had Interfaith Youth Core Grants, Karla Bello-Mondragon invites people to share their own faith and learn of others' faiths through art. Seeing each others' creations online and discussion can lead to understanding and friendship. Alejandra Escobar invites people to “virtual potlucks,” with conversations on the importance of food for building fellowship, food associated with our own religious traditions, and the joy of table gatherings.  Lauren Gonzales will create films around delightful children’s story books. These will  build bridges of understanding between Sikhs, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, and Christians. Participants will enjoy  information and activities and children can gain literacy skills. 

As a Catholic university, UIW strives to promote understanding as Pope Francis has said, “The Catholic Church is conscious of the importance of promoting friendship and respect between men and women of different religious traditions and of the responsibility which all of us have for our world, for the whole of creation, which we must love and protect. There is much that we can do to benefit the poor, the needy and those who suffer, and to favour justice, promote reconciliation and build peace.
    Alejandra Escobar sharing “Cooking Up Conversations: Interfaith Gatherings Centered on Food” 

The Interfaith Youth Core website notes that they are “working towards an America where people of different faiths, worldviews, and traditions can bridge differences and find common values to build a shared life together. Look at American democracy today and you’ll see a society trying hard to live up to its ideals in the face of unprecedented diversity and difference. It’s not just in the news. In today’s America, we all navigate deep differences with others in our everyday lives. Especially when it comes to religion.  Whether or not our diversity is a good thing is entirely up to us. As a community, we can make it the thread that binds us closer. Otherwise, we allow apathy, tribalism, and voices of intolerance to define our futures.”

Sister Martha Ann Kirk, Th.D. who has mentored Bello-Mondragon, Escobar, and Gonzales says, “These young women with their knowledge, skills, and passion for respect, understanding, and cooperation give me great hope for the future.”                                         
                 Karla Bello-Mondragon shares "Painting with Faith: an Interfaith Art Workshop”                        
To learn more details about how families, friends, individuals from their homes can participate in these enjoyable virtual opportunities: 

“Painting with Faith: an interfaith art workshop,” starting July 19, Sunday at 6 pm, see  Embark on a new adventure!  

For  Cooking Up Conversations: Interfaith Gatherings Centered on Food,” or “Interfaith Stories to Encourage Understanding and Children’s Literacy," return here for registration details. Centers and schools can also participate in some of these activities which will start soon.  

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

3 Things CCVIs and others can do to help heal the sin of racism

The horrific killing of George Floyd, an African-American man, in Minneapolis, MN, by white Minneapolis police officers has left us heart broken and with feelings of outrage and disbelief that such crimes continue to take place in our country.

What positive steps can CCVIs and our ministries take to help heal the sin of racism, both individual and systemic?


MACC (the Mexican American Catholic College) invites you to a critical conversation on how systemic violence is as silently accepted as the air we breathe. Recent events, however, have shockingly reminded us that those who are targeted because of their race cannot breathe in this deadly status quo. The Zoom session will provide an overview of the history of white supremacy in the USA and Latin America...and its resurgence in our time.  Participants will participate in smaller zoom room conversations to contextualize racism in their particular reality and how Catholic Social Teaching can be a source of life-giving breath for those who are dying. 

Let MACC know if you are interested in participating. They will poll you for a time that works for all.  Please RSVP to:

This posting is taken from MACC's Facebook page:  The Mexican American Catholic Coll

2.  EDUCATE OURSELVES:  Learn about white privilege and systemic racism

CLICK HERE to read a powerful and challenging article by Fr. Massingale:  
"The assumptions of white privilege and what we can do about it." 
Recommendation:  Reflect personally on this article and then engage with 1 or more persons, if possible, via an online format (or in person, using social distancing) in a critical conversation on white privilege and systemic racism.

3.  PROPHETIC STATEMENT:  Pray and reflect on the CCVI Congregational Statement on Systemic Racism
CLICK HERE  for the CCVI statement on systemic racism, May 31, 2020.

Recommendation:  Reflect personallh on the statement and then engage with others in conversation on how we can live out the statement. What are you willing to commit to?  How might we challenge ourselves as congregation to move forward in this effor to dismantle systemic racism?