
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Justicia que construye la paz

"Con la Encarnación, Dios habita este mundo; ciertamente sigue habiendo injusticia, dolor, guerra, crimen organizado, inseguridad, pero este mundo está habitado por Dios; Dios sigue suscitando deseos de amar, hay madres que siguen amamantando a sus hijos, personas que se aman, manos solidarias, gente que busca la justicia y que construye la paz, cuidadoras y cuidadores de la creación, madres y familiares que buscan a sus familiares desaparecidos, personas que siguen interesados en el avance de la humanidad, de todos. Decimos «¡Feliz Navidad!» porque podemos vivir en la confianza de que Dios sigue creyendo en la humanidad, que no la deja huérfana -su Hijo es uno de nosotros-, que Él habita este mundo y que tiene la capacidad de iluminarlo." Pepe Magaña, SJ.

Espero que este saludo te encuentre con buena salud y de buen ánimo. Es difícil de creer. Ya tengo un poco más de un año de regreso a México y colaborando con el P. Salvador López Mora, miembro del equipo de Pastoral Urbana (fundado por el fallecido P. Benjamín Bravo). Salvador y yo hemos trabajado juntos en varias tandas de años desde 1990. Esta vez, estamos con el enfoque de la pastoral urbana y el acompañamiento de las familias de familiares desaparecidos.

Como seguramente sabes por las noticias internacionales, la crisis de desapariciones sigue siendo parte de un patrón más amplio de violencia criminal impulsada por una plaga de crimen organizado, participación/apoyo o aquiescencia de actores estatales en actividades criminales. En promedio, una persona desaparece cada hora. Las desapariciones ocurren frecuentemente con la participación directa e indirecta de agentes gubernamentales. El contexto de impunidad en México ha contribuido en gran medida a la crisis de desapariciones.

Mi actual ministerio pastoral me ha llevado a re-conectarme con papás y mamás de personas desaparecidas que conocía desde hace diez años. Ellos, desilusionados por la falta de acción, sensibilidad y empatía de las autoridades, de las interminables demoras en el sistema de justicia y el cuestionamiento de la credibilidad de sus familiares desaparecidos, se han organizado en colectivos y han salido a las calles para generar conciencia y abogar por un cambio. Colectivos de familiares, como Fuerzas Unidas por Nuestros Desaparecidos (FUNDEC), Uniendo Esperanzas y Ciudadanos en Apoyo a los Derechos Humanos (CADHAC) buscan sus seres queridos en canales, ríos, campos y zonas montañosas de muchas partes del país. Actualmente se calcula que hay unos 200 colectivos operando y trabajando en red entre sí en diferentes partes del país.

El Eje Iglesias Brigada Nacional de Búsqueda es ecuménico. Somos un equipo que proviene de diversas tradiciones de fe y espiritualidades: católica, anglicana, bautista, cuáquera, menonita, presbiteriana, metodista y del Pacto. Este ministerio tambien es acompañado por miembros de congregaciones religiosas: Carmelitas Misioneras de Santa Teresa, Compañía de Jesús, Hermanas de Jesús María, Verbo Encarnado, Pasionistas, etc. Estamos comprometidas a acompañar a las familias que buscan a sus familiares desaparecidos desde una perspectiva de fe y de construcción de paz. Asimismo, formamos parte de la Red Nacional de Colectivos de familias en búsqueda de familiares desaparecidos.

Actualmente, más de 130.000 personas han sido desaparecidas desde 1962. Además, desde enero de 2007 hasta abril de 2023, las autoridades mexicanas han informado del descubrimiento de 5,698 fosas clandestinas en todo el país. El mapa de las fosas anónimas ilumina una de las tácticas favoritas de los criminales en estos tiempos de guerra contra el narcotráfico y el crimen organizado: “desaparecer” personas, ocultando su muerte y su suerte. Ante esta realidad, junto con líderes de colectivos y personas solidarias en Eje Iglesias Brigada Nacional de Búsqueda, buscamos prevenir la violencia, generar conciencia y maximizar el impacto y la capacidad de búsqueda e impacto de los colectivos.

Sigamos buscando la justicia que construye la paz; sigamos siendo cuidadoras y cuidadores de la casa común; permanezcamos comprometidas en el avance de la humanidad.

Paz y bien, 

Miriam Banon, CCVI 

Coordinadora JPIC-México

Lo que hacemos de un vistazo…

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Courses in Care of Creation

An invitation to learn and participate in concrete ways in solving the global ecological crisis:

1. Registration Open / Online Course on Integral Ecology - Pontifical Gregorian University (

2. Animators - Laudato Si Animators

3. Course | Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home | edX

4. San Antonio Laudato Si Animators conducting workshops in Parishes or your communities:  send an email to to participate or know more information.

From Feb 5 - Mar 25, we will have Gospel and Laudato Si Integration in St. Timothy Parish, join us through Zoom Meeting.  More importantly, if you are youth or young adults, we encourage you more.

February 5 Only:

Password: 686459
Meeting ID: 943 2643 6989

It is a time that we take conscious effort in becoming more aware of our part in caring for the whole creation.  Without loving the nature, we will not be able to love everyone.  We are part of the nature. Wars, gun-violence, domestic violence, trafficking, pollution, consumerism, and other unresponsible behavior are only symptoms of our inability to love.   Let us start by taking the first step which is awareness.  Enroll in the above courses and take charge of what present and future you would like to have, for your children and children's children.

This is the time to be truly alive and be one in creation.  Laudato Si, Mi Signore! 

Thank you and have a blessed day.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Welcoming the New Year with Hopes and Dreams

A New Year is a great time to recall and to be renewed.  We have been blessed every day with gifts and graces which could be through the basic necessities we continue to have, well-being, associations, ministries, formal and informal education, etc.  However, there are places where this is not the case.  As human beings, we are capable of using our gifts which can lead to constructive or destructive paths.  We have chosen and continue to make choices that affect our lives, our families, our communities, our society, and our world.

How are you today?  How is your world today?  Where are we heading as a human family?  These are the questions that we can ponder if we want to live, if we want our brothers and sisters to live as much as we enjoy our blessings in life.  We do not live for the sake of living but we live as part of a family, a society, and part of the world.  We are invited to take part of being truly “alive” and being truly “human.”    

New war in Gaza and Israel, on-going war in Ukraine and Russia, climate change, 24 lives are challenged by death-row executions, human trafficking, on-going border and migrant crisis, gun violence, and all the other political divisions in United States.  Some of you ask, is there any good news?  Some of you stopped watching television news.  Can people ever come to a place where our mind can reach the intellectual level and resolve our differences through peaceful deliberations and healthy conversations?  Can we stop to ponder like Mary did when the shepherds came, when the three wise men came, etc.?  What can we change within ourselves to become a better contributor to peace rather than a contributor to disorder and violence?

We certainly cannot stop all evils.  We need a Divine Intervention.  God respects human will.  The Divine is calling us to use our senses.  Otherwise, the Divine will not be “divine” but a dictator, a robot manufacturer commanding us what to do.  We can just be all robots with a command center. However, we are not robots. We are human beings who are capable of making decisions.

Mark 10:51 “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him.

The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.”

We need good formation and good association to know what is good, be good and to do good.  The question is am I participating in any evil (e.g. provoking someone, using violent words, coercing someone into an action, etc.). If you are aware of any evil, are you taking actions in ending any of those evil whether through counselling, advocacies, education, healing, policies, or pastoral work?  

United States has been a melting pot of ideas, scientists, and liberation.   Amidst the divisions faced by the citizens of this country, this is still a place where we have freedom of speech and usually have safety.   The question is what is right?  Sometimes, the truth can be manipulated by people and organizations surrounding us.  This is when discerning the truth is important.  When you know what is true, beautiful, and good, then you are one step closer to discerning the next action.  

There are hundreds of thousands of people walking in caravan towards the border while the United States border patrol have encountered 2.5 million migrants at the border in 2023.  People are walking thousands of miles to United States, thinking that United States can provide solution to their lives seriously affected by lack of jobs, infrastructure, safety, and security.  Do we have all of these for the citizens of this country?  How can United States provide these solutions to the migrants fleeing here when a lot of people are also homeless which according to Department of Housing and Urban Development, there are about 582,462 people (18 out of 10,000) with 28% of these have families with children?  

In places where we find people who have unmet expectations whether due to their employment status, being trafficked, homeless, being brainwashed and coerced to do something, drugs, alcohol, there is certainly a lot of help that each and everyone in the society can provide.  Resources must be made available, advocated, and promoted for the betterment of the well-being of the individual and in essence the justice, and peace for the society.  Education can provide skills to the people who are unemployed while mental support, physical healing, and social support are some key resources to journey with the people who are on the streets. 

I have met a lot of them.  Some I interviewed.  Some I have served food.  Some I have referred to Catholic institutions and others to non-profit organizations.  There are a lot of reasons why they are there: some are migrants, some have abused drugs, some lives changed from being employed to being addicted to drugs and then to prostitution and homelessness, some have alcoholism, some have run away from home due to trafficking, etc.  How can the education happen for people who do not know the resources?  There is a work that needs to be done, an outreach to provide the connections.  There are resources, but there is an influx of people not knowing where to go, what to do, and not yet ready to be helped.  There are also cases, when evil perpetuates, when we do not do anything about it, knowing that as human being, we can be in solidarity with our brothers and sisters who are suffering and can participate in making change and transformation possible.  Jesus did this.  He was eating and drinking with what his time called “sinners.”  He wanted the people to get to know him, to get to know love.  While he revoked those in authorities that they were not doing what they were supposed to do (Matt 23:1-7). 

So, what are we looking forward to this New Year?  It will be an exaggeration to say that this year will be the time that all the world problems to be solved overnight but there is a space for improvement with human efforts, and miracle and graces beyond impossible by God's grace.  We are  looking forward to collaboration in working towards a society where there are better policies and laws for gun safety, the people are more aware of climate impact of human-centered activities or functions degrading the state of the environment leading to a more God-centric and more ecologically-conscious living, people are more aware of spotting human trafficking and thus, more innocent lives can be saved from traffickers if not eradicated therefore creating more trafficked-free cities, better policies in border and programs for integrating refugees and asylum into the society, mental health programs for the homeless, leaders of nations to come to an end in providing weapons to all the countries who are at war at each other, leaders of nations to have peace talks, political system that upholds the dignity, common good, and welfare of the citizens than waste time in ruining the reputation of the individuals for the sake of gaining popularity over another, etc.  There are a lot of issues to be tackled.

Focusing on the major issues at hand in United States that the Incarnate Word Sisters JPIC would like to continue on the following:

1. Response to the Cry of the Poor (defense of all forms of life on Earth with special attention to vulnerable groups such as indigenous communities, migrants, children at risk of human trafficking, etc.) 

a.  Awareness of Human Trafficking 

January 11 Wear blue on this day to support the National Awareness day for Human Trafficking.  How do we educate people in becoming aware of the signals and red flags in identifying who are being trafficked and how to help them. 

Alliance to End Human Trafficking - Ending Slavery is Everyone's Work : Alliance to End Human Trafficking

Home -


 b. Ending Death Penalty: There are 23 people in death row that are scheduled for execution in 2024 (13 from OK, 1 from TX, 8 from OH, 1 AL).  How do we create a circle of trust, promote healing of lives than promote vengeance and hatred?

Upcoming Executions | Death Penalty Information Center 

News | Catholic Mobilizing Network (CMN) ( 

c.  Peace Advocacy 

Catholic Nonviolence Initiative 

Pax Christi internationally , nationally, state wide, and local  

Pacem en Terris

    Speaker Event by Father John Dear, SJ 

Tuesday, March 12th, San Antonio, Texas
University of the Incarnate Word (University of the Incarnate Word | UIW Home) 
Contacts: Arthur Dawes, – 210-213-5919,
Sr. Martha Ann Kirk,

      There are advocacies that we can partake to end war and violence by making way for diplomatic actions and systemic solutions for peace in our communities, and the world.  Sounds big for the world?  Start with self-reflection, integrate peace within you and practice in your circle of influence.  Participate in collective justice and peace works by checking out the advocacies by grassroots movement.  We continue to discern how we can make justice and peace possible.  We cannot have these two without working with others.  People deserve a better life.  Innocent lives deserve to live.  

2. Adoption of Simple Lifestyle - sobriety in the use of resources and energy, avoid single-use plastic, adopt a more plant-based diet and reduce meat consumption, etc. 🙏🎉🎁📝

The way to contribute in lowering carbon footprint, mitigating the impending drastic climate impact can through our own individual life style changes and encouraging others to do the same.   If you are buying clothes every month, can you buy every year?  However, doing something good in an individual basis may not be as encouraging and strong as doing it in groups.  Therefore, joining ecologically friendly group or movement will be something to get you going strong. 

Instead of only being charitable to the poor giving money, food, clothing, while we can consume without limits or without conscious thought, we can be in solidarity with the economically poor so that we can understand their own sufferings to identify solutions we can develop, and offer. When we understand as an experience, we understand why change and transformation in the society need to happen one life at a time and some changes can be done systemically as there are policies that can protect people and programs that can make change and transformation possible.  When we are spiritually poor, we know, however, that we need to go back to our foundation, to our Source, and to our Creator.

We are in the process of publishing our statement on Laudato Si Action Platform.  Watch out for it and join us in this call to action in reducing our carbon footprint to be carbon neutral by 2050, which is to make our planet a livable place by 2050. 

Climate Neutral Now | UNFCCC

Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report | UNEP - UN Environment Programme

We have so much energy within us.  We have so much hope to look forward to.  This year is going to be a year that is a clean slate for us to dream, to work on something new, to enjoy, to be gracious and to be grateful.  I would like to share with you a beautiful quote to use your energy on something that is good for this year: 

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.” —Dan Millman, gymnast, coach and lecturer 

We wish you a Blessed and Happy New Year 2024.  



Tuesday, January 2, 2024

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day (January 11) Prayer Service & Toolkit

From the Alliance to End Human Trafficking 
(Founded and Supported by US Catholic Sisters)

“Human trafficking is a crime against humanity. We must unite our efforts to free victims and stop this crime that’s become ever more aggressive, that threatens not just individuals, but the foundational values of society.” – Pope Francis 


National Human Trafficking Awareness Day on January 11 raises awareness of the persistent issue of human trafficking. This day is specifically dedicated to awareness and prevention of the illegal practice. Since the Senate established this day of observance in 2007, it has drawn massive public support from individual donations to government-organized events. The horrific injustice of human trafficking can affect people of any race and background, and on this day we are all called to fight human trafficking wherever it exists. Learn more HERE

Human Trafficking Background and Overview

  • Human Trafficking is a $150 billion world market that impacts an estimated 50 million people worldwide.
  • Victims of human trafficking are hidden in our neighborhoods. They are being recruited from our schools. They are growing our food, working in our nail salons, and they are there when we go on vacation and stay in hotels. They are hidden in plain sight. 
  • This affront to human dignity happens through force, fraud, and coercion. 
  • Traffickers thrive where vulnerability is high; where people are desperate and their options are limited or nonexistent. People on the move and recent immigrants are at particular risk of exploitation by traffickers because of their precarious social and economic circumstances. The International Organization for Migration estimates the number of international migrants to be at least 281 million people. They are refugees, asylum seekers, labor migrants, and those displaced by conflict or natural disasters. They are fleeing floods, famine, war, violence, endemic poverty, organized crime, political corruption, and the effects of climate change. They are both desperate and resilient. The adverse circumstances that force people to flee their homes can lead migrants to be deceived in exploitative recruitment abroad. Migration routes too often lead migrants into the hands of organized trafficking networks, exploitative employment, or situations of extortion.
  • However, immigrants are not the only ones who are forced into a life of servitude. It’s happening to our youth in our communities. 
  • Human trafficking is the fastest-growing criminal industry in the world. It is the second most lucrative and is soon expected to surpass the illegal drug trade. Drugs can be sold once, but people can be sold multiple times, with many victims being sold 15 to 30 times a day. 
  • Child online sexual exploitation is rampant. Furthermore, it’s hard to detect, threatens lives, especially of the most vulnerable, and if unaddressed, will have daunting and irreversible impacts on families and society.

The Church’s Position on Human Trafficking (USCCB)

  • The elimination of human trafficking is a priority issue for the Catholic Church because every life is a gift from God and is sacred, it deserves to be protected and nurtured; we each have a responsibility to fight against the violation and degradation of our brothers and sisters. 
  • The Catechism of the Church forbids acts that cause the enslavement of humans. During the Second Vatican Council in 1965, the Church further stated “slavery, prostitution, the selling of women, and children, and disgraceful working conditions where people are treated as mere tools for profits rather than free and responsible persons are infamies and supreme dishonor to the creator.” (Gaudium et Spes, 1965). 
  • In 2014, Pope Francis stated during his Declaration on the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery: “[M]odern slavery, in terms of human trafficking, forced labor and prostitution, and organ trafficking, is a crime against humanity. Its victims are from all walks of life, but are most frequently among the poorest and most vulnerable of our brothers and sisters.” 
  • Men and women religious have also played an integral part in the battle against human trafficking. In 2001, nearly 800 women leaders of the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) passed a resolution dedicating over one million members “to work in solidarity with one another within our own religious communities and in the countries in which we are located to address insistently at every level the abuse and sexual exploitation of women and children . . .” The Alliance to End Human Trafficking is the domestic response to this call. 

AEHT’s Anti-Trafficking Programs and Initiatives:

Education & Outreach: 

• Education and Awareness are key to helping prevent and end human trafficking! If you would like to schedule a presenter to come teach the basics of understanding human trafficking and how to prevent it, or create a customized presentation for your audience, please use our speaker request form to see if we have a presenter available in your area. 
• We have prepared educational materials on a variety of topics related to human trafficking such as root causes, children, women, labor, pornography, migrants and refugees, sporting events, and organ removal among others. These 2-4 page guides are perfect for individuals or small groups who want to engage in deeper reflection on issues related to human trafficking. See the full list here: AEHT Modules
• Another great way to learn more about human trafficking is through radio, podcasts, and videos. We have curated a list of recommended media resources related to human trafficking for your ongoing education: Human Trafficking Media Resources. 
• The Stop Trafficking newsletter promotes awareness of human trafficking, provides best practices in advocacy, and recommends actions to counter human trafficking and empower survivors. Read the latest Stop Trafficking newsletter here.

Coalition Building

We believe by working together and sharing our time, talent, and resources, we can have a greater impact on ending human tracking and supporting survivors across the country. Please consider joining our network as a member today. Together we can realize a world without human tracking and with a network of services and resources to inform the public, prevent the crime and assist survivors to achieve a fulfilling life!

Become a member of The Alliance to End Human Trafficking today


• Catholic Social Teaching proclaims that “action on behalf of justice and participation in the transformation of the world”1 are a constitutive dimension of preaching the Gospel. In response to this call, AEHT will faithfully engage in advocacy that addresses both the root causes of human trafficking and the needs of victims and survivors. 
• Here you can find helpful resources for engaging in effective advocacy, including how to plan a visit with your legislator. See our advocacy resources. 
• Our advocacy priorities address the root causes of trafficking and their connections to other important global issues. See our advocacy priorities. 
• Take action to end human trafficking, support survivors, and protect the vulnerable! See our current advocacy campaigns. 
• Sign up to Receive the Latest News and Action Alerts From Alliance to End Human Trafficking: 

1 Justice in the World, 1971

Access to Survivor Services

  • Hear from survivors who have directly benefited from our educational scholarships, direct support, and programming by members around the country. You can be part of this positive impact by joining us or donating today! Survivor Stories 
  • AEHT members are connected to organizations and houses across the country that provide a variety of services to survivors of human trafficking. Learn more about these houses and the work they are doing here: Member Run Houses 
  • One of the ways YOU can help support survivors of human trafficking is by supporting their ongoing education directly, donating to our scholarship fund, or hiring them for a job. Learn more about these opportunities here: Education & Employment

Talking Points:

  • Alliance to End Human Trafficking (AEHT) is a collaborative, faith-based national network that offers education, supports access to survivor services, and engages in advocacy to eradicate human trafficking. We work to inform the public, prevent this assault on human dignity, and assist survivors to live fulfilling lives. 
  • Alliance To End Human Trafficking envisions a world without human trafficking with a network of services and resources to inform the public, prevent the crime, and assist survivors to achieve a fulfilling life.
  • Our members include 200+ congregations of Catholic Sisters, coalitions and organizations working to end human trafficking and individuals who share our mission. Ending human trafficking is everyone’s work! 
  • Prevention is key to ending human trafficking, so education and advocacy are necessary but women and men need access to services to help them heal as well. 
  • Pope Francis calls human trafficking one of the most troubling of the world’s open wounds. It goes against our Catholic Social Teaching and robs people of their dignity. 
  • Many victims come from other countries where they are promised the American dream of getting an education and finding work only to have their passports confiscated, and fear of their safety or the safety of their family. They are taught not to trust law enforcement and speaking another language further diminishes their ability to seek help. Their dreams are turned into nightmares when they are forced to enter the sex industry, labor on farms, in hotels among other industries for 12 -to 14-hour days with no hopes of escaping their new-found life.  

Opening Song:

Choose an appropriate song or hymn

Scripture Reading:

Light produces every kind of goodness and righteousness and truth. Try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the fruitless works of darkness; rather expose them, for it is shameful even to mention the things done by them in secret; but everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that becomes visible is light. 

Ephesians 9:14

Response to the Reading:

Leader: It is only in the past decade or so that most people heard of human trafficking. Many people still believe that “It does not happen here.” Human trafficking occurs in every nation and city, suburb and rural areas. Everywhere. The more people who are aware that human trafficking is occurring in their neighborhood, the greater chance of people not becoming victims, and the greater chance of victims becoming survivors. Let us take a moment and reflect on how each of us can bring light to this issue

Prayers of Petition:

God, we ask that you show us what is ours to do to bring light to the offense of human trafficking so that others may not become victims. Leader: Our response to each petition is: Loving God, hear our prayer. 
  • For light to show each of us steps we can take to decrease our complicity as consumers to labor trafficking 
  • For all those being exploited online, may they be enlightened on how to safely end these relationships • For migrants and new immigrants, may they be safeguarded from trafficking by openness and care of those they meet and by appropriate legislation that will help them be less vulnerable
  • For all those who do not have safe housing and are vulnerable to trafficking, may they find a protective and loving community in which to live 
  • For providers of human trafficking, may they restore life to the survivors of human trafficking 
  • For traffickers, we ask that their eyes be opened to the human dignity of all people 

Message of Pope Francis:

Journeying for dignity, against human trafficking, without leaving anyone behind. I would like to repeat some of the beautiful expressions: “Walking with open eyes to recognize the processes that lead millions of people, especially young people, to be trafficked for brutal exploitation. Walking with an attentive heart to discover the daily paths of thousands of people in search of freedom and dignity. Walking with hope guiding our feet to promote anti-trafficking actions. Walking together hand in hand to support one another and build a culture of encounter that leads to the conversion of hearts and inclusive societies, capable of unmasking stereotypes and protecting the rights of every person. I hope that many people will accept your invitation to walk together against trafficking: walking together with those who are destroyed by the violence of sexual and labor exploitation; walking together with migrants, displaced persons, those who are searching for a place to live in peace and family. Together with you, young people, to reaffirm courageously the value of human dignity.

Pope Francis, 8 February 2023


Let’s take a few moments of quiet to consider: what one action can I take to increase awareness of human trafficking in my neighborhood?

[Moment of Silence]

Closing Prayer:

God, help us see that human trafficking affects all of us. Show us what is ours to do to increase awareness of human trafficking so that people do not become victims. Help us become more aware of how social media, poverty, homelessness, immigration status may make children and others vulnerable to exploitation. Enlighten us on how our obsession with consumerism serves to feed the demand for cheap labor. Help us to commit to incorporate one action in our lives that will serve to stop the demand and help people not become victims of human trafficking. Amen.

Closing Song:

Choose an appropriate song or hymn

Some suggestions:

• Christ, be our light Bernadette Farrell
• Here I Am, Lord John Michael Talbot

Possible Actions:

1. Contact the Governor of your state. Ask them to ensure that the National Human Trafficking Hotline phone number (888-373-7888) and text line (233 733 or BeFree) is featured prominently on all state websites and in all state-run restroom on Interstate highways.  
  • Note: This toll free hotline and text line answers calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year in more than 200 languages.
2. Engage with your community to create and lead awareness campaigns about human trafficking. Encourage grassroots efforts to educate community members on recognizing the signs of trafficking, reporting mechanisms, and supporting survivors

3. Work with legal experts and advocacy groups to identify and propose legislative changes that strengthen anti-trafficking laws. Advocate for policies that increase penalties for traffickers, protect survivors, and improve the overall legal framework for combating human trafficking.

4. View our new 10th-Anniversary video and share it with others.

5. Purchasing survivor-made goods is a fun way to help support survivors who are learning new job skills and working to become independent. Check out this page for a list of organizations that sell fair trade and survivor made items.

6. Donate to support the work of AEHT or support a local anti-trafficking organization.

Social Media Post Suggestions:

The countdown to #WearBlueDay is on! Participating on January 11 is easy – all you need is a piece of blue clothing. Consider sharing a photo on social media using the hashtag #WearBlueDay and spread the word. 

Find out more ➡ #WearBlueDay #EndHumanTrafficking

Learn more about @DHSBlueCampaign and #WearBlueDay here:

Join us in wearing blue on January 11th to help bring awareness to #humantrafficking with @DHSBlueCampaign. I wear blue because [insert why you are wearing blue]. Share your photos with #WearBlueDay

Today is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day and #WearBlueDay. On this day, the Alliance and Blue Campaign invite the public to take photos of themselves, friends, family, and colleagues wearing blue clothing and share them on social media with the hashtag #WearBlueDay #EndHumanTrafficking.

This Prayer Service and Toolkit can be found in: