
Monday, January 10, 2011

National Human Trafficking Awareness Day * Día Nacional de Conciencia de Tráfico Humano

ENGLISH: January 11: National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Currently, the estimate is that there are 12.3 million people enslaved around the world. Incredible in this day and age! The first step to combat trafficking is raising awareness. Do a quick internet search and find out what is happening in your area.

ESPAÑOL: 11 de enero: Día Nacional de Conciencia de Tráfico Humano

En la actualidad, se estima que hay 12.3 millones de personas esclavizadas en todo el mundo. Increíble en estos tiempos! El primer paso para combatir el tráfico es la sensibilización. Haga una búsqueda rápida en el internet y averigüe lo que está sucediendo en su área.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great awareness day to have. Human trafficking is a global problem, and really does happen. It happens just for profit, however, it can be stopped. It can be stopped by first becoming aware of it. We as a community should be conscious of how we live; how we live as consumers and or neighbors.
