
Monday, March 28, 2011

Did you know ,..? ¿Sabías ...?

ENGLISH:  Did you know that the food we eat can affect the climate?  Anna Lappe, author of Diet for a Hot Planet, says that if we're serious about the climate crisis, we have to talk about food.  Lappe urges us all to reclaim our diet by following these seven principles of a climate friendly diet.

ESPAÑOL¿Sabías que los alimentos que comemos pueden afectar el clima?  Anna Lappe, autor de la Dieta Para Un Planeta Caliente, dice que si somos serios acerca de la crisis climática, tenemos que hablar acerca de los alimentos.  Lappe insta a todos a reclamar nuestra dieta siguiendo estos siete principios de una dieta respetuosas con el clima:
1. Come la comida real, no alimentos procesados.
2. Come más verduras y menos carne.
3. Busca alimentos orgánicos.
4. Apoya la producción local de alimentos orgánicos.
5. Crea tu propia composta con los desperdicios de las verduras. El compostaje se pueden convertir en abono con  los residuos de alimentos, estos son valiosos.
6. Comprar menos alimentos envasados. Buscar envases reutilizables o reciclables.

7. Aprende a crecer, cocinar, y crear tus propias comidas; es mejor que los restaurantes.


  1. This article is very interesting. It would be a very good idea to promote this article and do some consciousness in people.

  2. This article is very itersting. It would be a very good idea to promote this article and do some consciousness in people.

  3. This Article was very useful and made me aware of a lot of things that we dont think of in a regular basis. Eating processed food is something that is not good for us and the planet. I wouldve never thought that would happen. Eating at restaurants is not as healthy as if one cooked at their own home. Thank you so much for letting us know how important these points are.

  4. This articale was very interesting. We often forget how much imapct, we as a human being, affect the earth as a whole. Everything we do, in one way or another, has some affect big or small and the globe. Something as simple as eating at a restaurants as opposed to eating/cooking at home is significant. It's just amazing.
