
Friday, April 8, 2011

Energy: from simple choices to solar panels

a program of Earth and Spirit Center:

Vatican Solar Panels

In 2008, the roof of the papal audience auditorium was covered with 2,400 solar panels to produce energy for the Vatican, cutting carbon-dioxide emissions by the Vatican by about 225 tons. In April 2009, the Vatican announced that it will build the biggest solar plant in Europe, harnessing sunlight on a grand scale to help create renewable energy.

Click here for ideas of action steps to use energy more responsibly.  By taking steps to reduce our carbon emissions, we affect in a positive way the air we breathe and the quality of life on our planet. 


  1. I think that it is good that the Vatican is using sonar panels to help with their electricity. Now they want to build the biggest solar plant in Europe to help the community and the church to conserve energy and resources.

  2. I think this is really interesting. If the Vatican is going on and using Solar Panles for their power source, that could cause others to follow.
