
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Why our seafood choices matter

Lent is a time when we often eat fish, at least on Fridays.  By being informed and making wise choices, we can help protect our fisheries and the health of the ocean.

What are the four fish we should never eat?  Click here to find out.
Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch provides a pocket guide by geographic regions in the U.S. listing best choices of fish, good alternatives, and fish to avoid.  There is also a national U.S. guide in english and in spanish as well as a southwest regional guide in spanish.


  1. I thought this was a very interesting article. Often times, catholics just assume that any kind of fish is up for grabs on Fridays during lent. I'm glad to have been informed otherwise. I don't think I'll ever find myself in a situation where I'll be eating shark fin, haha, but it's noted information, nonetheless.

    I think it's far more interesting that a lot of catholics that I know, believe it is ok to eat chicken on Fridays during lent. I did research on it, as I was raised to believe that meat was meat, and it was off limits on these certain days. I was surprised to hear that people thought differently. I found that anything that is considered to be a "land animal" should not be eaten on the Fridays during lent.

  2. I am not Catholic so I am not really familiar with Lent. Why is that during Lent fish is often eaten or eaten more? What is so different about fish? What about meats and poultry?

  3. I'm not Catholic but I am familiar with Lent just not the specifics. I wasn't aware about the types of fish that were allowed and weren't. My sister (who is not a Catholic as well) will often times attempt to participate in Lent, more so to see if she can give up something she does or eats that she really loves.
