
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Take action and make a difference during "Torture Awareness Month"

Thanks to Yolanda Tarango for this information from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange.

Several years ago, religious and human rights organizations in the United States declared the month of June to be Torture Awareness Month as a way to provide greater visibility to this issue and provide an opportunity for coordinated actions across the country. During the next few months, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence is likely to finish the report on their investigation into our past interrogation practices.

We have an opportunity to take action and make a difference by using the resources below provided by the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT):
  • Sending Postcards
CLICK HERE for the postcard form which asks that the report on our past interrogation practices be made public.  Invite members of your community to join you in signing the postcards which can then be mailed individually or collected and delivered to your Senators’ offices. 
  • Collecting Signatures on a Petition
CLICK HERE for the petition form to gather signatures in your congregation and community. Then mail them to:
National Religious Campaign Against Torture
110 Maryland Ave., NE, Suite 502
Washington, DC 20002
  • Sending an Email
CLICK HERE to send an e-mail to your Senators asking them to please do what they can to ensure a public release of the report on the Intelligence Committee's investigation into our past interrogation practices. 
  • Praying
CLIC HERE for the prayer prepared by the NRCAT to pray with your family, community and friends.
  • Taking Action:
CLICK HERE to urge the U.S. government to apologize to torture survivor Maher Arar .
--Adapted from Amnesty International

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