
Saturday, September 24, 2011

"Capital punishment is barbaric." Georgia Rep. John Lewis

The Long, Murderous Arm of the Law Has Killed Troy Davis
      by Kai Wright and Jamilah King, Color Lines (posted on the AlterNet on 9-21-11)

After a long delay from the Supreme Court, Troy Davis was executed at 11:08 PM Wednesday night, despite over a million people asking for clemency.

Let us not mince words: The state of Georgia just murdered Troy Davis. The state coroner will list homicide as his cause of death. But he wasn’t the first and, sadly, he won’t be the last person slaughtered in the name of U.S. law and order. There are today dozens more people scheduled to be killed by states, according to Amnesty International. Their likely deaths represent the ultimate act of perversity in a system that destroys untold thousands of primarily black and brown lives every day. 

READ MORE:  "Beyond Troy Davis:  How Race Colors Death Row 'Justice' "

1 comment:

  1. On page 52 of Engage, we are taught that society makes violence seem acceptable for the means of “responsibility (52).” Personally, I do not believe in this concept. There are so many lives that are taken from capital punishment which makes me wonder, “What is the point?” How is taking a life going to bring a dead loved one back? To me, it seems lonely, because I remember learning in class about a woman who’s daughter was murdered, and her killer was sentence to death row. This woman believed in the concept of non violence that we learn from “Engage.” This relates because of the classic saying, “An eye for an eye” so, why show the world that killing people who kill is right?
