
Monday, April 2, 2012

A website to visit:

Maru Noguez invites us to visit the following website:
Visit This is a Mexican National Network of Civilian Organizations on Human Rights called "All Rights for All People: TODOS LOS DERECHOS PARA TODOS Y TODAS."

There you can find news and actions to take regarding unjust situations in Mexico. One can suscribe and receive information via e-mail. This is the first organization in Mexico which pulls together many Human Rights groups and where you can actually participate by sending letters to people in government to call attention to unjust situations and ask for action. Recently in February 2012 they won the Mac Arthur prize for effective and creative institutions which defend Human Rigths. This is the first time that a Latin-American network received the prize.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a wonderful way for people to reach out and voice their opinion of Human Rights. By being able to send letters and voice how they feel it will be an oppurtunity for change to happen. Bringing together the community and making a difference!
