
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Philippine typhoon: worst effect of climate change; role of the global North; how we can help

*  An editorial that appeared in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on November 12, 2013,  connects the recent catastrophic damage inflicted on the Philippine Islands with global climate change, predicting that what happened to the Philippines can happen to many other coasts.   

"If we’re wise, the Philippines will be the canary in the global coal mine.  This is where the worst effects of global warming are being felt first."  CLICK HERE to read the editorial.

"Typhoon Haiyan:  The Global Poor Bear the Deadly Brunt of Climate Change" by Aura Bogado, November 12, 2013 in begins with a succinct summary of colonization efforts and then analyzes the climate debt that the global North owes to the global South because of the global North's historical climate emIssions.  "There are dozens of ways to pay down the climate debt.  And they will only be realized once we admit what we owe."  CLICK HERE to read the article.

"How to Help in the Philippines" by Peter Rothberg, November 10, 2013 in gives a partial listing of groups on the ground working to immediately aid the victims.  Rothberg asks that people use the comments field at the end of his article to identify other relief groups who deserve support.  CLICK HERE to read the article.


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