
Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 8: International Women's Day

From a Facebook posting by Jenn Reyes-Lay, an Incarnate Word Missionary in Chimbote in 2009-10 and a current member of the International Justice and Peace Committee

Don't just tell me "Happy Day,"
Get up and join in the struggle.
ENGLISH:  “Don't remember my day, my week, nor my month if you aren't committed to actively fight against patriarchy. Don't say "happy women's day" if you don't question your own privileges or fight for equality.  Consciousness is built, and the struggle is every day!!!”
 ESPANOL: “No recuerdes mi día, ni mi semana, ni mi mes si no te comprometes a luchar activamente contra el patriarcado. No digas "Feliz día de la mujer" si no cuestionas tus privilegios ni luchas por la igualdad. El sentido se construye, y la lucha es todos los días!!!”

1 comment:

  1. On page 114 of the Engage book, we learned about structural violence. The book says, “structural violence occurs when some groups, classes, genders, nationalities, etc. are assumed to have, and in fact do have, more access to goods resources, and opportunities than other groups, classes, genders, nationalities, etc.” The blog shows a stand against structural violence towards women. They should not have to have a day that we recognize women’s freedom, their freedom is just as equal as every man’s freedom. In Engage, the box titled “Working Women”, on pg. 114 shows structural violence through examples of unequal pay. Women should be paid equal. They shouldn’t have a day only dedicated to women’s rights, because women have the same rights as everyone else everyday of the year. This blog shows we need to come together, and decide to finally treat everyone equal. What are we waiting for?
