
Monday, November 23, 2015

Join with Faith Leaders around the world in the COP21 Thunderclap

The World Council of Churches, the Lutheran World Federation, ACT Alliance, OurVoices, the Global Catholic Climate Movement, the Fast for the Climate and other faith groups are working closely together on climate change advocacy around COP21 in Paris.

On the 28th of November, pilgrimages will arrive in Paris from Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany, the United Kingdom, Rome, The Philippines and from across Africa. Ecumenical and multi-faith celebrations will be held to make our voices heard.  Please join with all people of faith in calling for a fair, ambitious and binding agreement at COP21.

To spread the message via social media, these faith groups  are planning a “thunderclap” to push negotiators at COP21 to do the smart thing by doing the right thing.  Our message is: "Global faith groups call for a binding agreement at the UN climate talks #COP21WeNeedAFairAmbitiousBindingAgreement"

The way Thunderclaps work is that many people sign up, and the Thunderclap system will release the message on behalf of everyone who signs up on their Twitter and Facebook accounts at exactly the same time.  Because all the messages go live at exactly the same time, there is much more chance of it Trending and becoming very visible. This will go live at 10am French time on 28th of November, the day that faith groups are planning various activities just before COP21.

If you use Facebook and/or Twitter please consider joining us on Thunderclap.  We want to make a lot of noise in our call for a fair and binding agreement at COP21. Here is the link to sign-up on Thunderclap: 

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