
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

TOGETHER Caring for Creation: An Interfaith Week of Learning, Reflection, and Commitment to Action

“TOGETHER Caring for Creation,” An Interfaith Week of Learning, Reflection, and Commitment to Action, January 28 to February 8, 2016.

Part of the World Interfaith Harmony Week Initiative:
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Sister Alice Holden (right side) in front of the pond and Korean Pavilion at the Denman Estate Park. Sister Alice seeks to develop interfaith programming there.

Visitor Parking Information: For events at the University of the Incarnate Word, please use the front entrance 4301 Broadway, San Antonio, TX 78209. Note: Visitors must check-in at the Parking Office (small building on the left) and identify themselves in order to obtain a parking pass.

Thursday, January 28, 2016
“San Antonio Interfaith Action on Climate Change: A Pre-World Interfaith Harmony Week Event,” 7:00 -8:30pm. We will break into work groups around action themes that emerged at the December 3 Interfaith Convergence for Climate Action. Come prepared to make actionable plans that will require follow up. Contact:, Diane Duesterhoeft, 210-254-0245, dduesterhoeft@gmail.comEpiscopal Church of Reconciliation, Parish Hall, 8900 Starcrest Drive, 78217. RSVP: optional, Cost: free.

Saturday January 30, 2016
“Blessing of the Interfaith Retreat and Conference Center followed by nature walk in Denman Estate Park,” 10:00-11:30am. Leaders from San Antonio's civic and religious communities will speak to the importance of being TOGETHER in caring for our creation and the need for interfaith/intercultural education. Music by Rudi Harst. Walk led by naturalist Jim Funk will follow. Contact: Alice Holden, CCVI, Denman Estate, 7735 Mockingbird Lane, 78229. RSVP: optional, Cost: free.

Sunday January 31, 2016
“Caring for Creation: Celebrating our Connection to Mother Earth,”11:00am-12:00pm. An upbeat, interfaith worship service focused on celebrating our deep connections to Mother Earth through Creative Ritual, Music and Meditation. Contact: Rudi Harst, 210-533-6767, SAY Si, 1518 S. Alamo Street, 78204. RSVP: optional, Cost: free.
“Deep in the Heart: A Passion For Peace,” 3:00-5:00pm. 10th Annual Blessing of San Antonio Peacemakers 9th Annual Declaration of the San Antonio Peace Laureate. Join the San Antonio peaceCENTER and the San Antonio Peace Laureates in our re-commitment for the long haul and in mutual blessing of holy legacy. The Blessing will be filled with beautiful music, sacred images, human encounters, and words of wisdom. Fr. Ron Rolheiser will be appointed as the 9th San Antonio Peace Laureate. Bring family and friends! Invite others! Whitley Center, Oblate School of Theology 285 Oblate Drive, 78213. RSVP: optional, Cost: Free and open to the public.

Monday February 1, 2016
“Jesus in Islam,” 6:15-8:15pm. Lecture and book signing by internationally respected scholar Dr. Zeki Saritoprak who will examine the place of Jesus in the Qur'an and Hadith and discuss the important role Jesus can play in interfaith dialogue. Co-sponsored by the Dialogue Institute and UIW Religious Studies. Suggested Donation: $10.Students and Seniors-complimentary. Registration: Contact: Dialogue Institute San Antonio, 210- 377-1110,, or Sr. Martha Ann Kirk, UIW Rosenberg Skyroom, 847 E. Hildebrand, 78212.
“Water Stewardship in the Face of Climate Change,” 7:00– 9:00 pm. (Two sessions: Feb. 1 & 8.) How can we collectively change our relationships to our water resources and to each other to build a better and more resilient water future? Uncontaminated fresh water, essential for human health and life itself, is becoming increasingly scarce, both globally and regionally. At the same time climate change is already causing increasing weather extremes – flooding, droughts, and record high temperatures, which are linked with the availability of usable fresh water. In this class we will find good information about what is possible for our water future to be both hope-filled and empowering. Instructor:Meredith McGuire, Ph.D., recently retired Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Trinity University, serves as Co-Chair of Alamo Sierra Club Conservation Committee. Co-sponsored by San Antonio Interfaith Power and Light. RSVP by Jan. 25. Cost: $35. Enrollment: 12 min./25 max. To register, contact the SoL Center at University Presbyterian Church, 300 Bushnell Avenue,78212, 210-732-9927 or www.upcsa.organd click on SoL.

Tuesday February 2, 2016
“Invasive Species,” 8:30-10:30am. Cutting down Chinaberry Trees. Contact: Lonnie Shockley, email: Government Canyon State Natural Area, 12861 Galm Road, 78254. RSVP: none. Cost: free.
“Solar House: Being Eco Conscious,” 4:30–5:45 pm. Built by engineering students at the University of the Incarnate Word, the Solar House is a model for sustainable construction and an invitation to the community to learn more about sustainability. Learn more of this from Daniel Potter, the director. Solar House on the UIW Campus map at 31A Contact: Sr. Martha Ann Kirk, RSVP: none. Cost: free.

Wednesday February 3, 2016
“Headwaters,” 8:30-11:30am. Assist in the care of 53-acre nature sanctuary to preserve, protect, restore and celebrate the rich natural, cultural, historical, spiritual and educational values of the headwaters of the San Antonio River, Contact: Howard Homan, 4707 Broadway, 78209. Across from UIW football field. RSVP: optional, Cost: free.
“Weed Wednesday,” 8:30-10:30am. Help combat exotic invasive species, including Australian and Kleberg Bluestem, wild mustard, and malta star thistle. Contact: Wendy Leonard, 210-207-3292,wendy.leonard@sanantonio.gov Hardberger Park. RSVP required. Cost: free. Contact Wendy for exact location in the park.
“Renewal, a Documentary Film,” 11:30 am–1 pm. Inspired by the many Americans who are answering a spiritual call to confront the enormous challenges of environmental degradation, these men, women, and children are finding ways to become caretakers of the Earth, from within their Christian, Jewish, Buddhist and Muslim traditions.,. The religious-environmental movement grows as people from diverse traditions work to build a sustainable future. Sponsored by the Headwaters Coalition, Contact: Pamela Ball, 210-828-2224, ext 280, UIW Mabee Library Auditorium. RSVP: required. Cost: free.
“Evolution and Christogenesis,” 6:30-8:00pm. First in a series of DVD programs by Ilia Delio, OSF with discussion lea by Alice Holden, CCVI (To continue for five additional weeks.) Contact: Alice Holden, CCVI, Library of the Denman Estate, 7735 Mockingbird Lane, 78229.
“Caring for Creation: An evening of guided and silent meditation, focused on our deep connections to Mother Earth,” 7:30-8:30 pm.Contact: Rudi Harst, 210-533-6767, SA Friends Meetinghouse, 7052 N. Vandiver Road (at corner of Eisenhower Rd.), 78209. RSVP: not required, Cost: free.
Thursday February 4, 2016
“Sustainable Systems: Environmental, Economic and Social--Looking Towards the Future,” 9:00-10:15 am. The world faces many dynamic environmental, economic and social challenges. How do we create sustainable systems that meet these challenges so the people of the world can live fulfilling lives in harmony with one another and with nature? This will explore climate change as one environmental challenge among many, the future of energy as one of many economic challenges, and work as one of the social challenges facing the world. The Presenter: Joe Cook holds a B.Sc in Natural Resources and the Environment (Univ. of MI), a M.Sc in Entomology with Minor in Soil Science (Univ. of MN), an MBA (UIW), a MTS (Oblate School of Theology, and a M.A. in Theology (St. Mary's University). He has worked worldwide in Natural Resources and the Environment with his last position being a Senior Environmental and Sustainability Scientist with the firm Consulting for Health, Air, Nature and a Greener Environment. Contact: Joseph L. Cook, 760-577-5931, UIW Mabee Library Auditorium, RSVP: not required, Cost: free.
Caring for Creation, an Exploration of Climate Change and Faith from a Biblical Perspective,” by Joe Cook. 10:30 – 11:45 am. (See location and contact information above)
“Celebrating the Season of Creation in Worship,” 11:30am-2:00pm.Workshop for worship leaders and community leaders of all faiths. Will begin with a sandwich lunch, followed by a presentation of how Reconciliation Episcopal has used this new liturgical season to bring an awareness of God’s love for creation and our call to care for it to the entire worshiping community. Participants will be invited to share ideas for how they might use something similar in their own worship services. Contact: Priscilla, 210-655-2731, Episcopal Church of Reconciliation, 8900 Starcrest Drive, 78217. RSVP required. Cost: $10 for lunch (specify turkey or vegetarian).
“Healing the Earth, Saving Ourselves,” 1:30 - 2:45 pm. A discussion led by Betty Dabney, PhD, on how working together to solve climate change can unify Humankind. Contact: Betty Dabney, UIW Library Auditorium, RSVP: not required, Cost: free.
"Food Justice in the Era of Climate Change," 4:30 to 5:45 pm.Shared by Dr. Jeff Crane, author of The Environment in American History, Nature and the Formation of the United States In modern America approximately 50 million
Americans, including about one-fourth of all children, suffer from food insecurity. The food that is available is often unhealthy and produced in an industrial-agricultural economy that is damaging to both farmworkers and ecosystems. Community and urban farming offer some solutions to those problems while also helping urban populations prepare for the unpredictable impacts of climate change. UIW Mabee Library Auditorium. RSVP: not required, Cost: free. Contact:
“Foods from the Quran and the Bible,” 5:45 – 6:30 pm. Enjoy a reception with foods mentioned in the Quran, Christian Scriptures, and Hebrew Scriptures gifts from God for all God’s people. UIW Mabee Library Special Collections Room.
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Dr. Rolla Alaydi and Narjis Pierre with Foods from the Quran and the Bible.
“The Islamic Declaration on Climate Change,”6:30 pm. A discussion with Narjis Pierre, Sarwat Hussain, people of the Dialogue Institute, and friends. All will be invited to discuss little and big things individuals and groups can do about climate change.
Both the 5:45 reception and this are hosted by the CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), the Dialogue Institute, Muslim Women’s Association, and UIW Liturgical Outreach. Contact: Sr. Martha Ann Kirk, UIW Mabee Library Special Collections Room.
"Divine Harmony - Human Voices Call Out to God," 7 pm. Music with people of different faiths. Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 5955 FM 78, 78244. Pastor Michael Lawrence Weden, 210-452-3207, RSVP not required. Cost: free.
Friday February 5, 2016
“Interfaith Meditation Centered on Caring for Creation,” 7:15-8:00am. Contact: Alice Holden, CCVI, Library of the Denman Estate, 7735 Mockingbird Lane, 78229.
“Starting out Wild: Rockin’ and Rollin’,” 10:00-11:00am. Introduce 1-3 year-olds to nature and learn all about rocks through stories, songs, and hands-on fun! It is recommended that a child be walking and a parent or caretaker attend with each child. Most classes will take place outdoors. Contact: Nicole McLeod, 210-207-3782, Friedrich Wilderness Park, 21395 Milsa, 78256. RSVP required. Suggested donation: $3 per person or $6 per family.
“Laudato Si’,” 1:00-4:00pm. A Community Conversation led by JPIC Assistant Director Jennifer Reyes Lay. Gather to dialogue, reflect, and celebrate that together we have a responsibility to care for our common home wherever we are, in whatever we do. To prepare read “Laudato Si’.” Contact: Heritage Hall, the Village at the Incarnate Word. RSVP at by Jan. 29. Cost: free. Sponsored by the Incarnate Word Sisters International Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Committee.
“Pursuit of Harmony,” 6:30pm. Shabbat Service: A musical journey of friendship and peace. Join Jewish singer and song writer Michael Ochs and Palestinian songwriter and commentator Alaa Alshaham for a weekend of music, dialogue and friendship! Temple Beth-El, 211 Belknap Place, 78212. RSVP: not required. Cost: free.
“First Friday Open House----Paris Climate Agreement and Climate Change,” 6:30-8:00pm. 195 nations signed a climate agreement in Paris. The presentation examines the science of climate change and the Paris climate agreement and challenges to make the agreement work as planned to keep global temperatures within the agreements parameters. Contact: Joseph L. Cook, 760-577-5931, San Antonio Mennonite Church, 1443 South St. Mary’s Street, 78210. RSVP: optional. Cost: free.

Saturday February 6, 2016
“Going Solar,” 4:00-6:00pm. Dr. Roy Ellzey will provide information on local options for families and businesses who are considering converting to all or partial solar energy. Contact: Betty Dabney, bdabney@gmail.comFellowship Hall, First Unitarian Universalist Church, 7150 W Interstate 10, 78213. RSVP: optional. Cost: Free and open to the public.
“Pursuit of Harmony,” 6:30pm. Shabbat Service: A musical journey of friendship and peace. Join Jewish singer and song writer Michael Ochs and Palestinian songwriter and commentator Alaa Alshaham for a weekend of music, dialogue and friendship! Temple Beth-El, 211 Belknap Place, 78212. RSVP not required. Cost: free.

Sunday February 7, 2016
“Mitchell Lake Bird Walk,” 8:00-9:00am. Guided birding tour. No dogs, except service dogs. Contact:210-628-1639,, Mitchell Lake Audubon Center, 10750 Pleasanton Road, 78221. RSVP: optional, Cost: $8 for non-members.
“Caring for Creation,” 9:30-10:30am. Adult Sunday school presentation will include an examination of creation care, scriptural aspects of creation care and aspects of challenges creation faces from environmental issues. Contact: Joseph L. Cook, 760-577-5931, San Antonio Mennonite Church, 1443 South St. Mary’s Street, 78210. RSVP: optional. Cost: Free.
“Kids Alive!” 11:00am-1:00pm. Wilderness Survival class for 6-14 years of age; must be accompanied by adult or guardian. Contact: Joey Rios, 210-688-9055 ext. 2009, Government Canyon State Natural Area, 12861 GalmRoad, 78254. RSVP: required at Cost: $5 entry or park pass.
Monday February 8, 2016
“Centering Prayer and Discussion on Ecology,” 6:00-7:00pm. Contact: Alice Holden, CCVI, Library of the Denman Estate, 7735 Mockingbird Lane, 78229.
“Water Stewardship in the Face of Climate Change,” 7:00– 9:00 pm. (see Monday, February 1 description)

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