
Friday, February 5, 2016


Materials Needed:
- Picture of St. Bakhita
-  A candle
-  Music. 

Leader: Human trafficking takes advantage of false hopes and leads to the exploitation of millions of people around the world.  The Jubilee Year of Mercy that we celebrate this year, invites us to enter into the dynamics of mercy with new and creative actions that allow us to enter through the Jubilee Door of Justice to experience dignity, true dignity, which builds peace and freedom with respect for all living things. We ignite the light that illuminates the way forward together.

Reading: from the Gospel according to Luke 4: 16-21


Leader: Today too our eyes are fixed on the one who proclaims freedom. At the same time this message invites us to contemplate the reality of millions of our brothers and sisters who are exploited and trafficked. Today too our hearts are moved by the dreams and desires of a peaceful life, a dignified life, of life in abundance. Today too our ears listen to stories of hope and mercy, like the story of Josephine Bakhita.

We lift up to the Lord all those who in the face of suffering caused by the violence and evil of human trafficking respond with simple gestures of kindness and mercy.

Special Intentions.

Final prayer: When we hear of children, men and women deceived and taken to unknown places for sexual exploitation, forced work and organ sales, our hearts are outraged and our spirit pained because their dignity and their rights are trampled on with threats, lies and violence. Oh God, help us to fight all forms of slavery. We ask you, together with Saint Bakhita, to end human trafficking. Grant us the wisdom and the courage to bring us closer to all those who have been wounded in body, heart and soul, so that together we can realize your promise of life and tender and infinite love for these exploited brothers and sisters. Touch the hearts of those responsible for this horrible crime, and support our commitment to your gift of freedom for all your children. Amen

*** This prayer service is from Talitha Kum Network.

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