
Monday, April 4, 2016

Take Action: Support the Green Climate Fund!

This year, we continue to speak from our faith traditions about environmental stewardship and protecting the poor and vulnerable among us. You can join with Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant people all over the United States in telling your elected officials that you support the Green Climate Fund. Act now!

Please send a message to your members of Congress by going to the  Catholics Confront Global Poverty  website.

You can also call the Capitol Switchboard number (202-224-3121) and use the following call script:

Hi, my name is (name) and I'm calling from (city). As a person of faith and your constituent, I urge (Senator/Representative) to support the U.S. pledge to the Green Climate Fund and the President's FY17 budget request of $750 million for the GCF. Addressing the harmful impacts of climate change upon the most vulnerable people and the future of all God's creation is the moral responsibility of our nation, and the GCF is a crucial piece of this effort. The GCF represents a new way forward in climate finance to build resilience and stability in the face of the unavoidable impacts of climate change. We have a responsibility to take leadership on this issue and so I ask that (Senator/Representative) support this critical funding.

Finally, if you would like to learn more about the Green Climate Fund click here

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