
Monday, May 16, 2016

Join with us for Laudato Si Week!

In June the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word join with those around the world celebrating the 1 year anniversary of Laudato Si.  We are grateful for all of the gifts and insights we have received since its publication, encouraging us to reflect, study, and act within our own communities and ministries.  As a follow up to our series of Community Conversations on Laudato Si, in the month of June we will be hosting a series of workshops on Sustainability, to help us implement the Incarnational Spirituality of caring for our common home.  

Workshops will be held in:

  • St. Louis, MO: June 4th
  • Lima, Peru: June 12th
  • Mexico City: June 15th
  • Guadalajara, MX: June 17th
  • Monterrey, MX: June 21th
  • San Antonio, TX: June 21st
  • Chimbote, Peru: June 24th 

Our goals for these workshops are:

  • Ensure that ecological sustainability is an integral part of our planning, decision making, and lived practices of the Congregation.
  • Encourage changes to life styles that are more respectful of the earth.
  • Resist the culture of consumerism and offer development models that respect the rights of every community of creatures on this earth.  
  • Commit ourselves to a vision of sustainability 

For more information or to register for a workshop in the city closest to you, please write to us at  We look forward to your participation! 


  1. Looking forward to the workshop. Thanks for continuing to challenge us to grow in commitment to care for the earth and to live in a sustainable way.
