
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Pledge To Welcome Refugees in Texas

(From the Refugee Council USA)

We created an online petition to engage folks in our advocacy work in Texas. The petition Pledge to Welcome Refugees in Texas ties into World Refugee Day and urges the Texas Governor and members of the Texas legislature to continue to welcome and support refugees. Please help us distribute to your affiliates and any Texas partners and supporters. You can see the link and sample outreach language below.

Our goal is to use the petition as a way to gather the names of individuals and organizations that we can engage in local Texas advocacy efforts moving forward. The link can be distributed to service providers, faith communities, community volunteers, business partners, ethnic associations, immigrants’ rights groups, and other refugee supporters through your listservs or social media. We’ll also plan to have printed copies of the petition at local WRD events in Texas.

We’ll be keeping the contact list for future take action opportunities.  Since it is tied to World Refugee Day, we’d like to distribute as soon as possible and end the petition on Monday, June 27.
Thank you so much for your help. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Gislaine Williams, MSW
Grassroots Organizer
Refugee Council USA (RCUSA)

Sample Facebook post 
Take the pledge this World Refugee Day to welcome and support refugees in Texas. Take action today and urge Governor Abbott and members of the Texas legislature to continue to welcome refugees in Texas. #RefugeesWelcome #WRD2016 

Sample Twitter post
Take the pledge: Urge Governor Abbott & the Texas legislature to support refugees in Texas #RefugeesWelcome #WRD2016

Sample outreach email
Dear Friend,
Right now, a historic number of refugee families from all over the world are fleeing violence and persecution for the chance to rebuild their lives in safety. As Texans, we have a long tradition of welcoming the sojourner among us and we recognize that we are stronger for it. Throughout our history, refugees have played a leading role in shaping Texas into the strong and vibrant state it is today.
Some of our Texas elected officials want to limit or stop refugee resettlement altogether in our state. This is why we are asking all Texans to take the pledge this World Refugee Day to support refugees and urge Governor Abbott and all members of the Texas legislature to make the commitment to continue welcoming refugees in our state.
Most Americans at one time emigrated to flee persecution, or in the hope of finding another life. We must remember that our country was partly built on the hard work and determination of generations of immigrants and refugees. Now is a critical time to unite our collective voice as we urge compassion, welcoming, and acceptance. Take action today by calling on our Governor and Texas legislators to act with moral courage and commit to welcome families from all over the world who are fleeing unimaginable circumstances, all for the chance to rebuild their lives.

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