
Friday, July 8, 2016

Sisters Take Anti-Trafficking SOAP Project into Hotels

Hundreds of small soaps with a very important message will be placed in hotels and motels throughout Cleveland during the Republican National Convention this summer, thanks to the anti-trafficking efforts of the Sisters of St. Joseph's Peace and Justice team, and activities that raised more than $1,000 to purchase the soap. 

The "S.O.A.P." (Save Our Adolescents from Prostitution) project is being coordinated by Sister Marilyn Nickol, CSJ, a member of the Congregation's Peace and Justice Team. Small soaps have been affixed with a red label that includes the National Human Trafficking hotline. "Very often,trafficking increases around large events like conventions," said Sister Marilyn. "The hope is that if a man or woman is being used for prostitution in hotel rooms against their will during the RNC, they will see the hotline number on the bottom of the soap bar and call it to find help." 

Fundraising for the soap was done by Saint Joseph Academy in Cleveland, and students volunteered to help sisters label the soaps.

Sister Marilyn Nickol, CSJ (far left, standing), led over 40 sister and Saint Joseph Academy 
student volunteers in the charge to affix anti-trafficking labels to soaps.
Note:  S.O.A.P. is a national project initiated by Theresa Flores. The Cleveland Chapter is chaired by Donna Ancelotti, who has organized  visits to 350 hotels and motels in the area in early July. The CSJs enthusiastically joined the effort to wrap the bars of soap that will be offered to the hotels and motels in the greater Cleveland area at the time of the Republican National Convention.

Source: US Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking 

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