
Friday, September 30, 2016


“Rahamim” is a word that translated means “The Bowels of Mercy”.  The name of the network  "bowels of mercy" is a concrete and courageous response to the criminal violence and insecurity caused by all forms of violation of human rights, which are certainly among the main causes of trafficking in Mexico.

In order to continue educating about the reality of human trafficking and its causes, the Talitha Kum commission from Rome and Latin America, in coordination with the Conference of Major Superiors of Religious in Mexico (CIRM) realized a week long workshop September 18-24th.

During the workshop they covered ways to respond to this crime, ranging from prevention to care for the victims.  There were many powerful and moving experiences and stories shared.

It is worth mentioning that representatives of over 20 Congregations attended the event, as well as Sr. Carmela Gibaja, representative of Talitha Kum and coordinator for the network in Latin America, trainer Stefano Volpicelle, Sr. Eurides Alves de Oliveira coordinator of the network “Un Grito por la Vida” in Brazil, and Sr. Lourdes Medina Vega representative of CIRM.  From our CCVI Congregation sisters Covadonga Suarez and Ofelia Lozano participated.  

“It was a rich experience and the beginning of a network here in Mexico,” share Sr. Covadonga.  That is because the group of participants felt more and more involved and willing to join in the mission working against human trafficking in Mexico as a collaborative network, because without a doubt this crime is “a sore in the suffering body of Christ” that demands a prophetic response as women religious today.

The religious who participated in the creation of the Network Rahamim  pledged themselves: to witness the values of mercy, compassion and freedom; to prevent trafficking by deepening their understanding and further training; to care for those most vulnerable to trafficking and to accompany the victims.  

“We were anxiously waiting for this first gathering of Talitha Kum in Mexico and we are confident in the effort and dedication of all the participants to form a network with strong fundamentals that will make the network a powerful voice and an effective agent in the fight against human trafficking in this country where human rights are so often ignored,” wrote the Talitha Kum coordinator Sr. Gabriella Bottani. 

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