
Monday, October 24, 2016

Stop Impunity in Human Trafficking

As part of activities for the International Day Against Trafficking (September 23), the Kawsay Network (Consecrated Life against Trafficking in Persons) to which we belong, organized a public event to reject the ruling of judge Villa Stein in the Human Trafficking case in Madre de Dios.

The judge mentioned acquitted Elsa Cjuno, operator of one of the mining sites in Madre de Dios, who is suspected of trafficking workers.  And the court found that the charges against her had not been proven by the prosecution. However, the Prosecutor's Office reported that they were not notified of the hearing where the case was.  

What sparked controversy was that the ruling found that the victim, a 15-year-old, was working 13 hours a day as "chaperone," selling and consuming liquor, but there was no crime of trafficking because the activity did not produce any physical exhaustion. In addition, supposedly when they picked her to work at the bar, the manager did not tell her that she would also be exploited sexually.  Then, on only one occasion was she encouraged to perform "passes", which in the jargon of the area means having sex with clients.

In light of all this, religious congregations stood opposite the Palace of Justice (in Peru) to demand justice and reject the impunity shown by many judges when sentencing cases of Human Trafficking. We also prayed for all the victims and we called on the authorities to stop these abuses.

On behalf of our congregation, the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word in Lima, the following sisters were present: Ivon Ramirez, CCVI; Katty Huanuco, CCVI and our lay associate Martha Zea.

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