
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Fasting and Prayer for God's Creation

The call to Fast this December 10th is a means in which we invite the entire congregational family of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word to address the urgent challenge of protecting our common home, as Pope Francis has pointed out in his Encyclical, Laudato Si. We recognize that climate change is a global threat to human rights which is why we connect this fast to December 10th, the International Day of Human Rights.

It is also a way of increasing visibility and communally expressing our commitment to care for God's creation, protect human rights, and undertake the transformation necessary for a new universal solidarity ... (# 14) in the context of climate change and social justice. Because 'this sister cries out from the harm we inflict on her due to the irresponsible use and abuse of the goods that God has placed in her' (# 2).

It is the poorest and most vulnerable who are facing and will face the worst impacts of climate change. This requires us, as a Congregation, to take the risk of a corporate and prophetic stance in favor of justice, peace and the care of creation (Chapter Acts, 2014).

We invite all members of the Congregation to share this invitation and to participate in a day of fasting with prayer and spiritual reflection on concrete responses to the pressing needs of our time.

You can donate the amount that you saved by fasting in support of the JPIC work of the Congregation through the JPIC Office.   In the United States you can send in your donation to the Finance Office (4503 Broadway St, San Antonio, TX 78209) and be sure to indicate it is for the JPIC Office Fasting Day.  You can also send us a copy of the donation to confirm it with the finance office at:  

Thank you for your participation, your prayer and reflection, and your commitment to our common home and human rights!  

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