
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Solidarity with our Brothers and Sisters in Peru

The rains in Peru have caused massive flooding, which has so far resulted in an estimated 75 deaths, 11 missing, and more than 70,000 homeless with a total of 300,000 affected according to official data.  Peru has now declared a state of emergency as half of the country is impacted and there is a forecast of continuing heavy rains.

Our Sisters, Missionaries, Associates, and Collaborators in Peru are ok, trying to recover in light of the emergency, and are joining with others around them to help those who are still most affected. We are grateful for all the gestures of solidarity and prayer that we have received from the Congregation.  Your prayers and presence strengthen us.

Several of you have shared your desire to offer a donation in solidarity with our ministries and people in Chimbote (which is one of the cities affected).  So we want to let you know you can send any donations through Claudia Montes ( Or visit:

I also want to share that the Conference of Religious in Peru (Confer Peru) is receiving donations for the people in Santa Eulalia, Piura and Huarmey (affected population) through:

Name of Bank: Scotiabank
No. Cta. In National currency (S /): 000 2682222
No. Cta. In US $: 039 7006369

Once you have the deposit voucher, scan it and send it to the e-mail:, do not forget to specify that what is deposited is to support the families affected from flooding in Peru.

I end thanking you again for your solidarity, hope, and prayers in these difficult moments. Any questions or concerns please write to us:

By Katty Huanuco, CCVI
Office of Justice, Peace and Earth - Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word
Human Rights - Conference of Religious in Peru

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