
Monday, September 25, 2017

URGENT: Oppose the Graham-Cassidy Healthcare Bill TODAY!

We need you NOW. Please call today and every day until Graham-Cassidy is defeated.
All calls are important but we must especially call those Senators who are on the fence or persuadable. We especially encourage members in West Virginia—Senator Shelley Moore Capito, Maine— Senator Susan Collins, Ohio—Senator Rob Portman, and Alaska—Senator Lisa Murkowski to call their Senators.
Please join LCWR and NETWORK and make the calls.
Call 1-888-738-3058 (twice to be connected to both Senators) to tell your Senators that they must not take away healthcare from millions of Americans. If your Senators have already pledged to oppose the bill, please call and say “THANK YOU!”
The new legislation, referred to as the Graham-Cassidy proposal, is even more devastating than past repeal attempts. Your phone calls stopped ACA repeal in July, and we need them now more than ever. The Senate is reportedly one vote away from passing this bill and fundamentally altering our healthcare system. It would, among other things:
      --Cause 15 million people to become uninsured next year
      --Leave approximately 32 million people uninsured by 2027
      --Eliminate ACA’s expansion of Medicaid for low-income people
      --Eliminate ACA’s subsidies that help people afford premiums
      --Decimate Medicaid through “per capita caps” leading to funding limits and billions of dollars in cuts
      --Allow states to gut consumer protections – including protections for people with pre-existing conditions
Here is a sample script you may want to use:
"Hello, My name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY/TOWN]. As a person of faith, I believe access to healthcare is a basic human right. I'm calling to urge the senator to oppose the Graham-Cassidy bill. This bill would take millions of dollars out of [YOUR STATE]. We need bipartisan fixes to expand coverage, not take it away. I oppose any efforts to cut or cap Medicaid. Please protect the human dignity of 32 million Americans who would lose coverage and state your opposition to the Graham-Cassidy proposal. Can I count on the Senator to vote NO on Graham-Cassidy?”
Please call 1-888-738-3058 (twice to be connected to both Senators) to tell your Senators that they must not take away healthcare from millions of Americans.
Please share this action alert with as many people as possible.
Together, with many people of faith we were able to save healthcare in July. We need to do it again!

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