
Monday, October 23, 2017

Praying with Dreamers Week

Advocating for the Dream Act 2017 (S. 1615 / H.R. 3440) is putting the faithful call to love our neighbors into action. Congress must hear from us this week and every week until they pass a clean Dream Act with a pathway to citizenship. Please join us for an all-out push for the Dream Act 2017,October 29-November 4, during Praying with Dreamers Week---#Faith4Dream Week

Plan Dream Sabbath Events
1.       Plan #Faith4Dream events to happen before or during the week of action.
2.       Use the Interfaith Immigration Coalition’s Dream Sabbath Toolkit to incorporate Dreamers’ stories and advocacy into your worship services, scripture study, educational events, vigils, and public witness.
3.       Consider connecting with local Dreamers and holding a vigil on your college or university campus in support of the Dream Act.
4.       Remember to invite your Members of Congress and their staff to attend the events!
5.       Print signs here to visibly demonstrate your faith support at all your actions.

Write for the Media
Elevate the public call by publishing a letter to the editor before the end of October in support of the Dream Act of 2017 (H.R. 3440, S. 1615).
1.       Include your faith tradition, scriptural grounding, and congregational affiliation to demonstrate your connection to the community.
2.       Call on your Member of Congress (by name!) to work to pass the Dream Act of 2017.
3.       Find a draft letter to the editor and local media outlets to submit your letter to at:
4.       Let us know if you get published. Send a link and the text of your piece to so that we can share these with your Member of Congress.

Faith leaders are invited to write longer opinion editorials, especially in TN, ME, NV, ND, UT, AZ, OH, FL, SC, NJ, PA, and NY. If you are a faith leader and would like support writing, pitching, or placing a faith leader piece, please reach out to Ashley Wilson at

Faith leaders can also sign a letter in support of the Dream Act that we will deliver to Congress.


Call Every Day---Urge Your Members of Congress to Enact the Dream Act of 2017!  Call 1-866-940-2439

Sample Script: I’m [your name]. I’m your constituent from [City, State]. As a person of faith, I support Dreamers. I strongly oppose President’s Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. DACA has provided nearly 800,000 immigrant youth the opportunity to work, raise a family, and pursue their dreams. Congress must do everything in its power to protect immigrant youth - I am calling to urge the [Senator/Representative] to support a clean passage of the Dream Act of 2017 (S.1615 / H.R.3440). Can I count on the [Senator’s/Representative’s support? Thank you!

Please call 3 times to connect to your 1 Representative and 2 Senators. Tell us if you take action!

Urge these key lawmakers to support the Dream Act. They are the swing votes that we need to secure in order to pass the Dream Act 2017 and provide Dreamers with a path to citizenship. Call or tweet at

Join the Virtual Prayer Chain—Let’s take over social media with our prayers with Dreamers for the passage of the Dream Act:
1.       Record a video of yourself holding a printed, filled out #Faith4Dream sign: PDFPNG
Say: My name is _________________ and I’m ______________ (faith tradition) I am from ___________________ (city, state). I pray with Dreamers for the Dream Act because_______________________
2.       Upload your video to Twitter with the hashtag #Faith4Dream and tag the Interfaith Immigration Coalition (@interfaithimm) and tweet at your members of Congress.
3.       Post the video to Instagram and Facebook with #Faith4Dream. Make the post public on Facebook and tag Interfaith Immigration Coalition and your members of Congress!

Plan an In-District Visit to Members’ Offices
Members of Congress will be in-district the week of Nov. 20, during the days preceding Thanksgiving. During the faith week, schedule visits to meet with them! While all visits are important we have identified key states where visits are critical FL, TN, AZ, OH, PA, NY, NJ, KY, NC, OK, AK, CA, IN, IL & MI.

Fill out this form if you’re interested in leading or joining a meeting with other faith partners.

Demonstrate the faith communities’ power around the country by putting your planned event, media piece, or in-district advocacy visit on the map before Oct or email your event information to

Find more ideas and resources at:

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