
Friday, November 10, 2017

Take Action to Oppose the Trump Tax Plan

One way to take action this week to support the poor in the United States, is to let your congressional representatives and senators know that you oppose the tax plan proposed by President Trump and the GOP which they are voting on this week.  If this tax plan goes through, it will cut taxes for the most wealthy individuals and corporations, while raising taxes for some middle class families and weakening programs like Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security down the line.  This tax plan will only further the huge wealth gap that exists, and potentially push even more families into poverty with fewer social services to help them meet their basic needs. 

You can contact your Senators and Representatives 
by calling this number: 202-224-3121

Or search for their specific contact information: 
For Senators click HERE and for Representatives click HERE

Here is a sample script to use:

Hello! My name is [___] and I’m calling from [part of state]. I’m calling to let [Congressman / Senator __] know that I strongly oppose the tax bill that the Ways and Means Committee reported out on November 9. This tax bill will give massive cuts to the wealthy, paid for by forcing deep cuts to critical programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security down the line.  As a person of faith, I believe that we have a responsibility to protect the dignity inherent in every person and ensure that their basic needs are met.  This tax bill will harm the most vulnerable in our country.  I am asking the [Congressman / Senator] to vote against this tax bill in order to protect the common good.  Thank you.  

If you would like to read more about the proposed tax cuts and how they benefit wealthy individuals, click HERE.  

And if you would like to read more about how the proposed tax cuts will benefit wealthy corporations, click HERE.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks both for the excellent resources and for the action items.
