
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Women's Day Peace Campaign

Please join us in Pax Christi International and the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative’s International Women’s Day peace campaign.  As you know may know, LCWR is a member of the steering committee of the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative.  They are hoping that thousands of women religious across the country and around the world will join us in sending a message to Pope Francis thanking him for his commitment to nonviolence and just peace.
Pax Christi International and the Catholic Nonviolence Initiative are deeply grateful to Pope Francis for his consistently strong condemnation of nuclear weapons and the vicious arms trade. His clarity on, and commitment to, peace and nonviolence are wonderful gift to our movement.
This year for International Women’s Day (8 March), we invite women to send a thank-you message to Pope Francis, in appreciation for his leadership on these issues. We want him to know that we are listening to and affirming his words and his works.
Please share this online “postcard” with women in your communities and networks and ask them to sign this thank-you message. We will collect the responses over the next month, and will deliver the names and personal notes to the Vatican on 8 March.
The postcard is available in four languages: Englishfrançaisespañol, and italiano

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