
Monday, July 23, 2018

Litany for World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

We call on the great cloud of witnesses, the communion of saints, who accompany us in the work to end human trafficking and provide loving support to survivors.  We ask these holy women and men to intercede on our behalf, to convert the hearts and minds of those who perpetuate and profit from the slavery and exploitation of others, and to protect those trapped in situations of trafficking from harm and lead them to safety and recovery.  Please respond after each invocation with the name of the saint and, “Pray for us.” 

St. Josephine Bakhita – Patron Saint of Victims of Trafficking  you who were kidnapped at a young age and sold into slavery know the suffering of those who are exploited and sold by traffickers throughout the world today.  Be with them and with us as we work to end all forms of modern day slavery and care for those who have been impacted.  
St. Josephine Bakhita, Pray For Us   

St. Joseph – Patron Saint of Workers… you who accompany laborers throughout the world know millions of workers around the world today are abused and exploited by human traffickers.  Be with them in their suffering, and help us to realize a world economy that honors the dignity and rights of every human person and allows them the opportunity to do the work that God has called them to do.  
St. Joseph the Worker, Pray for Us.   

St. Francis of Assisi – Patron Saint of Ecology… you who loved the whole of creation and saw how we are all connected, open our eyes to the ways that our destruction of God’s precious earth is causing many families to flee their homes in search of safety and health, putting them at risk for exploitation by traffickers.  Be with all climate refugees to keep them safe in their journeys.  Inspire in us an ecological conversion to see how our work to end the exploitation and abuse of human persons is connected to ending the exploitation and abuse of our common home.  
St. Francis of Assisi, Pray For Us. 

St. Rose of Lima – Patron Saint of Nurses… you who watch over and guide the hands of nurses, doctors, and medical professionals are also present for those they treat in their hospitals and clinics.  Open the eyes, ears, and hearts of medical workers everywhere to recognize the victims of human trafficking they come into contact with and support them in their recovery and freedom.  
St. Rose of Lima, Pray For Us. 

St. Nicholas – Patron Saint of Children … you who love all God’s children and want to bring them joy, protect all children currently trapped in sex trafficking, labor trafficking, and exploited on the streets as beggars.  Be with us as we work to ensure that every child is able to experience a safe and happy childhood, free from fear and exploitation.  
St. Nicholas, Pray For Us. 

St. Zita – Patron Saint of Maids and Domestic Workers…  you who worked as a domestic servant, open our eyes and hearts to all whose labor is exploited behind closed doors and who are trapped and abused by their employers in homes.  With your help may we end the trafficking and exploitation of foreign and domestic workers in homes around the world.  

St. Zita, Pray For Us.   

St. Alexius of Rome – Patron Saint of Beggars… you who hear the petitions of those trying to escape crippling poverty and desperation, be with the poor and vulnerable who fill our streets and cities just trying to survive.  Protect them from traffickers and grow compassion in our hearts as we work together to eliminate the sources of poverty that lead to trafficking and exploitation.  
St. Alexius Pray For Us.   

St. Peter – Patron Saint of Fisherman… you who were a great fisherman and followed Jesus’ call to become a fisher of men and women, protect all those whose labor and lives are exploited and abused by those in the fishing industry today.  Help to raise our awareness of trafficking in the seafood industry and work to end this form of modern day slavery.  
St. Peter, Pray For Us. 

St. Louise de Marillac – Patron Saint of Social Workers… you who dedicated your life to serving the poor and vulnerable, accompany all social workers today who seek to bring God’s healing love and compassion to those who have survived the horrors of human trafficking.  Guide their hands and words as they work to offer safety and support through their many ministries to end human trafficking.  

St. Louise de Marillac, Pray For Us. 
St. Peter Claver – Patron Saint of Slaves… you who worked to protect the human rights and human dignity of the most vulnerable members in society, continue to inspire in us this same spirit of care for our brothers and sisters.  Help us to see the image of God in all whom we encounter as we work to end modern day slavery in the form of human trafficking.  
St. Peter Claver, Pray For Us.   

St. Frances Cabrini – Patron Saint of Migrants… you who dedicated your life to helping thousands of people looking for food and work far from their homeland, risking their lives on long, dangerous journeys to foreign lands.  Help us to advocate for just immigration law that respect the right of dignified human migration.  St. Frances Cabrini, Pray For Us.   

St. Damian and St. Cosmas – Patron Saints of Medicine and Transplants you brothers who were skilled surgeons and sought to save lives, we appeal to you to convert the hearts and minds of those who use medical skills to steal and traffic in human organs.  Protect and heal the bodies of all those who have been victims of organ trafficking and aid us in the fight to prevent this form of trafficking in the world.  
Sts. Damian and Cosmas, Pray For Us. 

St. Teresa of Avila – Patron Saint of Lawyers … you who courageously worked to satisfy the hunger for justice with strong and tender will, with sacrifice, in defense of the helpless, we ask you to be with those who defend victims of human trafficking, that they too may persevere until justice is achieved.  St. Teresa of Avila, Pray For Us.   

St. Christopher – Patron Saint of Travelers… you who watch over and keep safe all those in transit, we ask for your protection for all who travel seeking safety and shelter so they do not fall victim to deceit of human traffickers.  We ask for you blessing on all those who work in transportation, especially truck drivers, who join our collective efforts to recognize and support those caught in human trafficking.  
St. Christopher, Pray For Us.   

St. Agnes of Rome – Patron Saint of Adolescents… you who suffered confinement in a brothel, protect all children and adolescents who are exposed to sexual exploitation.  Help us to protect them from false promises of love or work.  St. Agnes of Rome, Pray For Us.   

St. Martin de Porres – Patron Saint of Social Justice… you who inspire us and accompany us in our work for a more just and loving world, intercede on our behalf to realize justice and healing for all those who have been impacted by human trafficking.  Together with you and all these holy men and women may our efforts for justice and freedom for all bear great fruit.  
St. Martin de Porres, Pray For Us.   

Mons. Claudio DuBuis – Founder of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word… you who saw the face of Christ, the Incarnate Word, crying out to you in the suffering of the multitudes, help us to see the presence of the Incarnate Word in all whom we meet in our work to end human trafficking.  Guide us to be the hands and feet that offer relief, comfort, and love to those who are suffering, and give us courage in the work to end human trafficking in our communities and around the world.  
Mons. Claudio DuBuis, Pray For Us.   

Closing Prayer:
O Great Spirit of Life and Liberation, flowing through these holy men and women and amongst us now, hear these prayers and petitions that we offer up to you this day.  Bless us and guide us in the ongoing work to end human trafficking and all forms of modern day slavery.  Inspired by your loving presence in our lives, may we incarnate that presence for others as we work to realize healing and freedom throughout creation.   
Praised by the Incarnate Word – Forever Amen!   

Prayer created by the JPIC Office of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. 

Download a pdf of the prayer litany HERE

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