
Monday, July 9, 2018

Sowing Hope for the Planet

Everything is Connected
A Campaign of the International Union of Superiors General (UISG)

You are invited to consider joining a collaborative campaign called Sowing Hope for the Planet.

We are urged to heed the call of Pope Francis for an ecological conversion “to become painfully aware, to dare to turn what is happening to the world into our own personal suffering and to discover what each of us can do about it.” (LS #19)

For this reason, members of the UISG Board met on May 18 and decided to whole heartedly promote the UISG Campaign, Sowing Hope for the Planet.

They have asked Sheila Kinsey, FCJM, Executive Co-Secretary of the JPIC Commission of UISG-USG, to coordinate this campaign.

We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to become involved in Sowing Hope for the Planet (2018-2019). During this time we encourage you and the members of your congregation to reflect more deeply on Laudato Si and to consider ways to make Pope Francis’ message a reality, both personally and within your communities. During this time, we will notify you of various ways in which you can actively participate. 

For this campaign, please consider appointing someone to help engage the Sisters in this experience; a person responsible for notifying the Sisters of what is available and to organize prayers, observances and celebrations. Your community JPIC Promoter may be the person who can undertake this coordination or else a designated person with the responsibility for helping the congregation to participate in this campaign. We also encourage you to share what you are doing within your constellation.

Each of the following websites – UISG, JPIC Commission and Global Catholic Climate Movement will promote the campaign.

For any questions or information regarding this campaign please email Sr. Sheila Kinsey, FCJM, at 

Thank you very much for considering your congregation’s involvement in the important work of Sowing Hope for the Planet!

To learn more about the campaign visit their website: 

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