
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

December 10: Day of Prayer and Fasting for Creation

Since 2015, the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word have promoted a Day of Prayer and Fasting for Creation on December 10th - International Human Rights Day - because a healthy environment that can sustain life is a vital human right.  This is human right is increasingly threatened and denied as each year passes and the impacts of global climate change spread.  Our call to care for our common home is a loving response to our Creator who's love, power, beauty and majesty is woven into the fabric of all life. 

This year, our focus is on supporting the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative which is currently in its final development stages and about to be launched in select countries. Tropical rainforests in South America, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia are falling rapidly due to a range of forces, including palm oil plantations, cattle, soy and crop production, and rapacious and often illegal mining and logging operations. The losses amount to an area the size of Austria each year.

“The story of creation in the book of Genesis tells us of trees that are beautiful to behold and a source of sustenance. Rainforests are pivotal for life on earth, provisioning people’s needs, promoting biodiversity and protecting the climate”, said World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit. “Today when the rainforests are threatened by deforestation driven by a shortsighted, profit-oriented economy, we must use the knowledge of what is good and our faith-driven action to protect and care for the rainforests and therefore the earth and all life."

You can read more about the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative here:

Every person, community, family, organization, or institution can participate by joining in this day of prayer and fasting for creation wherever you are.  We have created a guide to aid you in your prayer this day.


If you participate by fasting, we encourage you to save what you normally would have spent this day on food (or whatever else you choose to fast from) and send it in to the Congregational CCVI Office at 4503 Broadway St., San Antonio, TX 78209, with a note that this is for the Day of Prayer and Fasting.  We will collect all donations and use them to support the work to care for creation, particularly our rainforests. 

Let us continue to pray that our actions and decisions can truly respond to the cries of the earth and the cries of poor who are most immediately impacted by climate change.  Together let us work and pray for the integrity of all God's wonderful creation.

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