
Friday, May 31, 2019

2019 World Refugee Day Action Ideas

Thursday, June 20th ─ and the entire month of June ─ we come together to celebrate the courage and resilience of refugees and their contributions to U.S. communities. We also raise our voices in opposition to the U.S. government’s decision to turn its back on refugees, through reducing resettlement in the United States and expanding policies that keep families apart.
While the United States was once a leader in protecting refugees, the current administration has dismantled our refugee resettlement program by 75%. But the need has never been greater, as the world is currently grappling with the worst refugee crisis in history. As refugees and friends of refugees, we are calling on the administration to preserve and expand refugee resettlement in the United States and enact policies that help refugees rebuild their lives.
Top 4 Ways to Protect Refugees and Restore the U.S. Resettlement Program
  1. Start by Sharing the Message on Social Media: Starting June 1 and every day thereafter, send a message of support on social media. Sample tweets available here. Sample graphics are available videos on welcoming refugees are linked, as well as a longer form video for screening at events. Follow @WeAreAllUSA on Twitter and "like" We Are All America on Facebook for more. Please use #WRD2019 in all postings.
  2. Host or Attend a Local World Refugee Day Event: Even small events, multiplied across the country, send a powerful message to the Trump administration and Congress that welcoming refugees and immigrants matters. Host a local World Refugee Day event or attend an event already being planned. We Are All America has a map where you can register your event, or find out what is going on in your area. Our partners Church World Service suggest a Journey Sabbath to dedicate a worship service to refugees. You can also link up with I Am An Immigrant actions. More resources are available here.
  3. Call Congress - National Call-in Day June 20th: Click here for information on calling Congress, and share with your networks for our massive call-in day June 20th, World Refugee Day. Sample script and click-to-call tool available here.
  4. Support Local Refugees Welcome Resolutions: Ask your state & local policymakers to pass Refugees Welcome resolutions in June. Click here for a sample resolution. Visit and for contact information. Tweet at your governor and state legislators. Don’t forget #WRD2019!

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