
Monday, June 24, 2019

Climate Change and the Costs of War

The green house gases caused by military action since the US began the War on Terror in 2001 are double the amount of gasses caused by all the cars in the US. The ways we try to kill so called "enemies" may be killing us.

The Watson Institute at Brown University details these findings and invites citizens to search for authentic security. The United States continues to spend far more on the military than any other country—almost as much as the next eight largest military spenders combined.

The questions of peace, democracy, economic equality, and the ecological requisites for human survival never have been as inextricably intertwined as they are now. The ecological and economic challenges we face are both a cause and effect of the deteriorating political conditions that drive international conflict. The dynamic that drives the global economy—endless competition for material wealth and social power—is straining the limits of the ecosystems we all depend on. As governments fail to address these crises globally, it is necessary for people to work together, organize and take non-violent action!

See: Costs of War project report for more information on climate change and the costs of war.

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