
Thursday, July 4, 2019

Columbian Women Peacebuilders

Columbian Women Peacebuilders 

How are women impacted by war? Why should they be involved in peace and security decision-making? What roles should they play?
World Beyond War notes, “Violence against women is and always has been integral to war and all armed conflict. It pervades all forms of militarism. It is not a random aberration. Furthermore, the role of women in peace and security has not been given appropriate attention. Take, for example, treaties and peace agreements that are most commonly negotiated and signed in a male-dominated context, by state and non-state armed actors. This context utterly misses the reality on the ground. 
Women share a vision of societies rooted in social justice, equality and everyday experience; are disproportionately impacted by war; are an important source of practical experience about life in a war zone; and typically better understand on-the-ground realities. When women are excluded from peace processes, the experiences, knowledge, and needs of half of the population are lost before a  community or country’s efforts to rebuild have even begun.
Increasing the role of women in peace and security decision-making is one of the key strategies outlined by World BEYOND War in our book “A Global Security System: An Alternative to War (AGSS).”  
In Study War No More our free online study and action guide for AGSS, we develop these arguments further. We offer several additional resources, provide guiding questions to help you become more familiar with this essential strategy, introduce you to networks working on this issue, and provide suggestions for action to support a more gender aware approach to peace and security.”   Learn more on Women and peacebuilding 

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