
Saturday, July 27, 2019

End Human Trafficking– Act Now! Prayer

Recognising each person’s humanity
Trafficking people is an anathema to all those who understand that central to Christian faith is respect for the humanity of each person.

Trafficking people, of course, is opposed to the respect for the humanity of each person that is central to Christian faith and to any humane understanding of the world. That is why we deplore it.

Jesus showed that each person is precious to God, and strongly criticised the habit of subordinating people to greed for money. Faith and the attitude that human beings can be treated like parcels, to be sent, stamped and dumped are irreconcilable.

Let us light our candle as a symbol that each of us wants to be a “light against human trafficking.” 

Lets us take a moment in silence...

As the Congregation of  Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word of San Antonio, moved by our mission to actualize the compassionate and saving love of the Incarnate Word by promoting human dignity, “we affirm the dignity and rights of all persons and denounce human trafficking and those economic systems and societies that promote it.”
CCVI Corporate Stance - 2015

Pray for awareness to grow
"Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known."
Luke 12,2

"But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible."
Ephesians 5,13

Let us pray…
Father, raise us up to action!
Raise up your people to go in and rescue.
Raise up your people to fight for education and prevention.
Raise up your people to risk their lives so that others can be saved.
Father, you are a God of freedom, your whole purpose in sending Jesus was to provide freedom to the captives.
Please provide freedom for these victims.
Raise up an army of people willing to take action
in a variety of different forms
so that an end can come to the evil of slavery.

Art from University of Dayton’s Art Street center for the Sex Trafficking Awareness Project. 2013.

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