
Monday, September 9, 2019

Making your school green

Encourage your children or those at your school to think about the world around them and consider their impact upon it. There are many websites with resources which you can use to introduce climate change, global warming and environmental justice topics into curriculum subjects such as RE, science, geography and citizenship. If there is space available, create an eco-friendly garden full of plants and insects.

What can I do to help?
To start with, you might want to measure your school’s carbon footprint and then measure it again in six months, 12 months and so on, to see the effect of your actions.
The aim is reduce the school’s impact on the environment so please also consider the following:
  1. Encourage the use of public transport or cycling to school or set up a ‘walking bus’
  2. Install bicycle racks at the school
  3. When rebuilding or refurbishing the school, use eco-friendly materials and building techniques
  4. Consider changing to a green electricity supplier
  5. Use eco-friendly cleaning products that do not harm the environment
  6. Check to see if there is an Environmental Policy written for the school and if not, ask about instigating one.
  7. Consider everything the school buys and uses and be aware of it’s impact on the environment whether through manufacturing, mining, deforestation or pollution.

Green School Programme

Carbon Footprint
Keep Britain Tidy
Catholic Social Teaching and Ecology factsheet
Westminster’s ‘Environmental Mission’ leaflet

Forum on Religion and Ecology – A large multi-religious project
Our Earth, Our Home, Green Assembles (Key Stages 1- 2 )

Further Study
Ecology and Religion The Irish Mission Union and The Univeristy of Wales Course
John Ray Initiative – An educational charity
Schumacher College


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