
Monday, September 9, 2019

Mobilizing Society to Protect Children's Environmental Health

Children suffer harm from exposures to pollution and toxics, and early life exposures are risk factors for chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, asthma, and neurological and reproductive disorders. There is an urgent need to transform society’s understanding of children’s environmental health and put children and families at the forefront of society’s conscience and actions.
There are challenges to mobilizing society to take action on children’s environmental health. It requires significant and long term organizing. Not enough scientific knowledge has been translated in a way that is understood and accessible to the general public. Political will is limited. In addition, there is no single collective message and not enough messengers to move the needle on childrens environmental health and make transformative change.
The Children’s Environmental Health Movement (#ChildrenAtTheCenter) was launched in response to the Blueprint for Protecting Children's Environmental Health. Through #ChildrenAtTheCenter we are creating a cohesive and powerful network, to capture the public’s attention and engage, educate and empower them.
This webinar will highlight two leaders and organizations who work to mobilize advocates towards creating and defending healthy and just communities where all children and future generations will have the greatest chance to achieve wellness and reach their full potential. 

Webinar : Sep 16, 2019

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