
Sunday, March 8, 2020

"An equal world is an enabled world" International Women’s Day Theme, March 8, 2020

The Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word gathered for an international assembly in Mexico City and considered our “charism.” Charism is not just a historical memory of doing good, charism involves gifts given for the common good. Charism is dynamic energy responding to current needs.  Among various topics considered, the Sisters considered violence towards women and responding to immigrants and refugees.  The Sisters watched 'You are the rapist!' Chile's women chant against gender violence.  The chant and dance has been used as an anthem to protest violence against women in hundreds of cities.  See a film The chant notes that the problem is not where I was or what I wore, "You are the rapist."

The Washington Post notes, “For Mexico, a day without women: Female workers plan national strike against rising gender violence.” The article continues,In what could be the boldest women’s rights action since the #MeToo campaign, many of Mexico’s 21 million registered female workers are expected to stay home from work or school on Monday to protest gender violence. . . . . Federal and local government offices and dozens of universities are granting leave to female employees and students, and some of Mexico’s biggest companies are also backing the action.”    

The branches of the University of the Incarnate Word in Mexico are respecting women's rights to protest on this day.  

UNHCR UN Refugee Agency writes,  “On International Women’s Day we celebrate and honor the achievements of women whose courage and determination have set an extraordinary example for future generations. It is an occasion to celebrate the progress they’ve made, while reflecting on the challenges that women continue to face. This year, we are shining the spotlight on five remarkable stories of women who have gone the extra mile to welcome and empower refugees in the United States. May their stories serve as an inspiration to us all to come together and support each other towards a more equal world.”
The Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word have made a corporate stance to work in solidarity with immigrants and refugees.  Join us in our efforts. 

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