
Friday, March 5, 2021

Peru wants to breathe - help us!

During this last year, every day, a friend, a family member, asks us for prayers because COVID has touched their family. Each day, there is someone looking for where to find or recharge oxygen for their loved ones in the hospital or at home. Everyday, the symptoms of our loved ones hurt us as if we, too, were suffering from the headaches, stomachaches, inability to breathe, and inability to sleep. 

But, no; we, I am fine. My anxiety, fear or helplessness cannot occupy my mind and heart. It is those friends and family members who are suffering from the disease, and it impacts them physically and mentally. They can't take it anymore. Several are already gone. We could not say goodbye. We need to stand up. Our thoughts and faith must lead us to care for life. Those of us who are well need to do something, from wherever we are. 
The situation is dire. People in Lima and Chimbote, which are the places I know the most, suffer daily to find or refill an oxygen bag. Yes, oxygen, to be able to continue breathing. Faith leaders in Peru have been working to provide medical oxygen to the people, but this crisis is beyond us. There is still much to be done. What has been achieved is not enough. 
The Church, together with the Congregations of Religious Life, has been leading several fundraising activities to build or buy what is needed for medical oxygen. Please let me know if you would like to collaborate with the medical oxygen campaigns in Peru.
Here are some ways you can join in too:
- Pray every day for the families who are suffering from this disease.

- Donate if you can. Here is a space:  
When you make your donation, write in the notes or send a message to indicating that your donation is “For the Sisters in Peru - Oxygen Plant”. 

- Communicate with your friends and family, in these times of uncertainty; a word of solidarity has the strength to encourage life.

By Katty Huanuco, CCVI

More information about the Oxygen Shortage, HERE

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