
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

JPIC Commission and Religious Participation in COP26

 The JPIC Commission gives important details about the what is being done and what can be done about the religious participation in COP26. Many religious women and men are listening to the cries of the Earth and the Poor. They are raising awareness about difficult world situations, giving answers at a local level and international level, advocating to give voice to the voiceless and find solutions together to face the world's crisis. Here there is a video which explain the JPIC Commission USG-UISG and presents examples of how religious preparing and will participate in the COP 26. Enjoy this video! 

In addition, a Religious Addressing Factors of Climate Change for COP26 video presented by Sowing Hope for the Planet features clips from a recent webinar where religious shared their actions and perspectives on climate change activism. The participants shared experiences on how climate change affects farming communities and access to food, as well as their efforts towards raising awareness about unethical investing and other strategies that we can use to mitigate the effects of climate change. 

Finally, the Solidarity in Building a Better world video features inspiring and engaging conversations from religious encouraging involvement in the Laudato Si' Action Platform, resources available from the LSAP website, preparation for COP26, local contributions to climate change activism and news and shared perspectives from members around the world including Japan, the Philippines, the USA, Peru and Bolivia. 

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