
Thursday, December 22, 2022

Letter to Consecrated Life in Peru

These are painful times for our country. As consecrated life that walks in the heart of the poorest and most marginalized populations, we know how much suffering, how much exclusion and how much oblivion exists throughout the length and breadth of the Peruvian territory. However, life springs up on those edges, with creativity, with generous hope and in spite of all the gales.

The richness of the great cultural diversity, instead of being a wonderful opportunity for encounter and unity, has become a trigger for violence, a nightmare that once again stains our history with blood. Our social body has touched the "open" wound of systemic violence institutionalized by corruption, neglect and great political, social, cultural, racial and economic inequalities. 

Our social friendship is based on the Gospel freshness of following Jesus of Nazareth and the Kingdom of God. Jesus burst into history so that "justice and peace" could embrace each other as a sign of reconciliation and encounter. We want to be a sign of unity in the diversity of all our blood, faces and colors that embellish our territory.

To celebrate the divine presence that continues to pitch its tent among us, "to celebrate the little and poor Emmanuel" in growing solidarity with the fate of the poorest, this Christmas, invites us to take the risk of insecurity. This insecurity is our new way of living our discipleship.

We join in the pain of the poorest families who have lost their loved ones. We ask all citizens and authorities to be peacemakers, to respect the fundamental rights of the poorest. May their fair aspirations be heard, and may bridges of reconciliation and reparation be built, with the living memory of God with us.

May God, "dwelling place of encounter and peace", accompany and protect us from life, this Christmas, from his smallness and weakness as a child.

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