
Thursday, October 12, 2023

Responding to the violent deaths in the Middle East

Our hearts grieve at the increase in the number of people killed and wounded in the violence of war.  We sorrow at the culture of violence and war that terminates with the right to live. Warfare is the real adversary. Wars endanger all humanity and threaten all life in our common home.  

United with Pope Francis' prayer for "a stop to the armed attacks," we pray that more people will reject weapons, inhumanity and hatred. Let us pray to nurture the culture of nonviolence and peace in all nations of the world. The people in Israel and Palestine are in our hearts. Let us pray that we promote, in unity, actions rooted and grounded in love that seek the path to justice and stand along humanity.

Let us pray:

Incarnate Word, we ask that peace prevails in our common home.

Walk with us in our promise to extend your healing love to all that causes fear, 

hopelessness and sorrow on our planet.

Please guide our path to justice and peace.


Sign the Declaration of Peace

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