Monday, April 4, 2011

An invitation to join the "Circle of Protection"

Many thanks to Carol Ann Jokerst for sending in this timely information.
fasting and prayer to protect vulunerable people

Three times nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, Ambassador Tony P. Hall is a leading advocate for hunger relief programs and improving human rights conditions in the world.

In 1993 Hall went on a water only fast that lasted 22 days to protest the lack of conscience of the U.S. Congress towards hungry people.

Faced with an even worse situation today with 50 million hungry Americans, 17 million of them children, Hall once again began an open-ended fast which started on March 28.  The 3 central themes for this fast are:
*  to remind people about the status of the most vulunerable, here and abroad.
to focus public attention on the proposed budget cuts and the terrible effects these would have on vulnerable people.
*  to form a circle of protection:  to invite each of us to join in prayer and fasting to form a spiritual circle of protection around those who would be most hurt by the cuts.

Click here to read Tony Hall's statement of why he is fasting.
Click here to consider the invitation to join the "Circle of Protection," i.e. to choose a way to join Tony Hall in an act of personal sacrifice from now until Easter Sunday, April 24, 2011.
Click here to see the list of partners in this project.


  1. After reading this blog and then reading what Tony P. Hall had to say, it made me really grateful that they are some people out there willing to stand up for others in need. Not only was his message really powerful but it truely touched my heart. It takes a brave and selfless person to put others first and take matters into his own hands while also getting the community involved.
    I found it really hard say that we, the U.S. are the dominant country in the world, yet we have one of the highest poverty rates. By Tony Hall standing up to the U.S. Congress, it has really inspired me to follow in his footsteps and fast not only to prove a point but to also show those in need of prayers during this rough time, that they're not alone.

  2. When i read this article it truly touches me to know that Tony P. Hall is standing up for people who are hungry across the world and our country.He is a leader and voice of the community to fight back on hunger and i believe he will help fight hunger in every way. The hungry always stay in our prayers and we all have to fight together to end this around the world.
