Please mark your calendars!
“Shattered Sky”
Mar 7 at 3:30 p.m.
The Village
CHRISTUS Heritage Hall
Monday Matinees are sponsored by Headwaters at Incarnate Word
Director’s Statement
By Steve Dorst
This film compares the two biggest environmental crises of their generations: the ozone crisis that was all over the news in the 1970s and 1980s, and the contemporary challenge of energy security and climate change. This is a critical and timely subject. In 2009, when the House passed energy and climate legislation, America got as close as it’s ever been to formulating a national energy policy to accelerate clean energy innovation. But it died in the dysfunctional Senate. Since then no elected officials will touch the topic with a 10-foot pole. Meanwhile, carbon emissions continue; and Presidential candidates deny global warming. Our national reliance on fossil fuels continues unabated. In making Shattered Sky, I really immersed myself in the period between 1974 and 1987-from the discovery that chemicals were zapping a hole in our ozone layer; to the understandable reluctance of business to change; to citizen power that helped make a difference; and inside-the-Beltway debates on how best to craft a meaningful response. For people under 40 who didn’t live through it, the ozone story is going to feel a lot like what we’re experiencing today on climate. Yet the big difference is that during the ozone drama-during a recession and two consecutive Republican administrations-America chose to lead the world to a global solution. I hope that the film, in about an hour, will inspire us all to rethink the merits of strong leadership on energy and climate. If the ozone story shows us anything, it’s that despite whatever political opinions we may have, there’s a lot of integrity and reward in facing up to a global problem, getting our own house in order, and leading the world to a viable solution.
(released in 2012)
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