Sunday, July 27, 2014

We Refuse to Be Enemies: Vision Camp in Israel/Palestine

"Justice cannot be achieved through bombing. The tears shed by Israeli mothers are the same as those of Palestinian mothers. By gathering those who are against the war we want to make visible the knowledge and vision which is more powerful than globalized violence. This could become a turning point for the peace movement." ~ Sabine Lichtenfels, co-founder of the peace research center Tamera, Portugal & co-initiator of... the Vision Camp.
They say, "We refuse to be enemies." And, "Together we can give a clear sign to end the war."
For its protection and success the vision camp needs international accompaniment and publicity. The war in Gaza and Israel is not a local conflict but another breakout of the global war system - just like Syria and Ukraine. War is the unavoidable result of a society which follows the hypnosis of fear and separation - on economical, ecological, social and spiritual levels.
Let us leave the war system where ever it is possible. Stay online and accompany the vision camp with your thoughts and prayers. We invite people all over the world to join in meditation on Monday morning (sunrise) and Tuesday evening (sunset and the end of Ramadan).
Please take part." - Occupy Love
Photos, videos, thoughts and results here:
The Cause "We refuse to be enemies - together we can stop the war" has more than 18.000 supporters:

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